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EXHIBIT A <br /> FINDINGS OF FACT AND STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS <br /> RELATED TO THE CERTIFICATION OF THE REVISED FINAL SUPPLEMENTAL <br /> ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE CITY OF PLEASANTON'S <br /> JOHNSON DRIVE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ZONE (AND RELATED GENERAL <br /> PLAN LAND USE AMENDMENTS AND REZONINGS) <br /> I. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND <br /> The Johnson Drive Economic Development Zone Project(the "Project") is a proposal to <br /> spur investment in 40-acres of mostly under-utilized or vacant land situated along Johnson Drive <br /> near I-680 and Stoneridge Drive. The goals of the Project include maximizing the benefits of the <br /> Project location as an infill site located along transportation corridors and encouraging the <br /> development of a diverse mix of uses that would promote long-term economic growth by <br /> generating substantial new revenues for the City. <br /> a. 2009 General Plan EIR and Project's 2016 Supplemental EIR <br /> In 2009, the City approved an update to its General Plan, including an Economic and <br /> Fiscal Element that contained an aggressive program of business retention and expansion. The <br /> Project is part of this program. In 2012,the City approved an amended Housing Element, <br /> Climate Action Plan, and associated General Plan amendment(s) and re-zonings. Neither the <br /> EIR prepared for the 2009 General Plan(State Clearinghouse No. 2005122139; the"General <br /> Plan EIR") nor the supplemental EIR prepared for the 2012 amendments (State Clearinghouse <br /> No. 2011052002; the"2012 SEIR") evaluated impacts associated with re-zoning the parcels <br /> within the Project to a commercial Planned Unit Development zone, nor did those documents <br /> evaluate a program of likely development of the parcels if re-zoned. <br /> Sections 15162 and 15163 of the California Environmental Quality Act("CEQA") <br /> Guidelines require that a supplement to a previously certified environmental impact report be <br /> prepared when changes are proposed to a project such that minor additions or changes are <br /> necessary to make the previous environmental impact report adequately apply to the project in the <br /> changed situation. In that instance,the supplemental environmental impact report need only <br /> contain the information necessary to make the previous environmental impact report adequate for <br /> the revised project. Given the previous environmental review completed for the Project area(i.e. <br /> the General Plan EIR and the 2012 SEIR),the City complied with CEQA and prepared and <br /> circulated a Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report for the Project(the"Draft SEIR") in <br /> September 2015. In March 2016,the City responded to written comments on the Draft SEIR and <br /> released a Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report for the Project which included those <br /> responses and additional economic analysis of the Project("Final SEIR"). <br /> b. 2016 Citizens'Initiative <br /> The City delayed its consideration of the Project and the Final SEIR while the City's <br /> voters considered an initiative that would have limited the size of new uses in the Project area. <br /> 1 <br />