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character described in the project goals and objectives above and, is recommending <br /> approval of the proposed rezoning to PUD-C, subject to the proposed list of uses. <br /> As stated above, one of the primary goals of the JDEDZ is to streamline the <br /> development review process for new land uses through both completed CEQA <br /> documentation and staff-level review processes. Staff is proposing the majority of the <br /> proposed uses within the JDEDZ be permitted (as opposed to conditionally permitted), <br /> with any new construction associated with those permitted uses subject to staff-level <br /> Design Review and verification of compliance with the recommended design guidelines <br /> (Attachment 4). Staff believes those uses identified as permitted do not represent uses <br /> the City would typically place operational controls on due to significant noise, <br /> objectionable odors, or activities that could be detrimental to the general health, safety, <br /> and welfare of the public and/or to surrounding uses. Moreover, the recommended <br /> design guidelines would ensure desirable and attractive buildings, adequate <br /> landscaping and site amenities, and signage criteria consistent with typical City <br /> development standards. By approving the majority of the proposed uses as permitted <br /> and, if necessary, subject to staff-level Design Review, the entitlement process for many <br /> types of projects would be shortened (with potential reductions of two to six months off <br /> the typical approval process). The streamlined approval is designed to incentivize the <br /> development of new businesses within the JDEDZ — a primary objective of the project. <br /> As permitted uses, applicants would be required to obtain approval of a zoning <br /> certificate from the Planning Division (over the counter and typically subject to one-day <br /> processing), and, if necessary, submit a staff-level Design Review application which are <br /> processed in approximately two to three weeks after receipt of a complete application. <br /> Uses that would require a Conditional Use Permit require a public hearing and take <br /> approximately six to twelve weeks to process after receipt of a complete application. <br /> ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT <br /> Environmental Review Background <br /> The DSEIR for the JDEDZ was completed and circulated for public comment on <br /> September 14, 2015. To allow adequate time for public review, staff extended the public <br /> comment period beyond the required 45 days required by State law. The comment <br /> period closed on November 23, 2015. Because the proposed JDEDZ would change <br /> land use policies and regulations, and does not entail a specific development plan, the <br /> DSEIR analyzed the physical effects of a reasonable development scenario based on <br /> the potential underlying land use changes. In this case, the reasonable development <br /> scenario includes club retail (148,000 square feet), hotel (132,000 square feet), and <br /> general retail (43,903 square feet) uses. <br /> Page 9 of 23 <br />