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The City received nearly 300 public comments during the period the RDSEIR was <br /> recirculated, though only 14 letters raised substantive comments on the adequacy of the <br /> RDSEIR, and most expressed support for or opposition to the project (with <br /> approximately 85 percent in favor and 14 percent in opposition). The City prepared <br /> responses to those comments in October and November 2019. Those responses, <br /> together with the DSEIR and the FSEIR (including all previous responses to comments <br /> prepared prior to the original approval of the JDEDZ), comprise the new Revised FSEIR <br /> ("RFSEIR") for the proposed project. <br /> The JDEDZ and the RFSEIR is now before the City Council for review and final <br /> consideration and action. <br /> Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (DSEIR) Conclusions <br /> Analysis of the impacts of the proposed JDEDZ indicated potentially significant and <br /> unavoidable impacts on air quality and transportation and traffic. The DSEIR found <br /> seven significant and unavoidable impacts (i.e., impacts that cannot be reduced to a <br /> less-than-significant level with mitigation). <br /> Air Quality <br /> The DSEIR found three significant and unavoidable impacts related to air quality: <br /> • Impact 4.B-2: The JDEDZ would generate a considerable net increase of criteria <br /> pollutants and precursors for which the air basin is already in nonattainment status <br /> under the existing ambient air quality standards. Mitigation Measure 4.B-3 would <br /> slightly reduce total criteria pollutants but not reduce emissions to less-than- <br /> significant levels. <br /> • Impact 4.B-3: Due to an increase of criteria pollutants and precursors, operation of <br /> uses within the proposed JDEDZ area would conflict with or obstruct implementation <br /> of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District's (BAAQMD) 2010 Clean Air Plan, <br /> and this impact would be significant and unavoidable. <br /> • Impact 4.B-6: The JDEDZ would generate operational emissions that would result in <br /> cumulative criteria air pollutant air quality impacts, when combined with past, present <br /> and other reasonably foreseeable development in the vicinity. <br /> As explained on page 14 of this report in the section entitled ("Partial Recirculated Draft <br /> Supplemental Environmental Impact Report Conclusions"), the RDSEIR later found the <br /> above significant and unavoidable air quality impacts identified in the DSEIR are less <br /> than significant. <br /> Transportation and Traffic <br /> The DSEIR also found five significant and unavoidable impacts related to transportation <br /> and traffic. To summarize, the DSEIR found the JDEDZ will generate increased traffic, <br /> affecting the levels of service for freeway ramps along 1-680 and surface streets in and <br /> around the project area. It should be noted that proposed transportation mitigation <br /> improvements in the DSEIR would result in acceptable levels of service (i.e., duration of <br /> delay in traveling through an intersection), acceptable vehicle queue spillback (i.e., <br /> Page 11 of 23 <br />