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<br />2023-2031 Housing Element City of Pleasanton | 48 <br /> Geographic Targeting: Prioritize identifying and funding rehabilitation for residential <br />properties in the Downtown area, which is an area of relatively lower income households <br />Program 3.6 <br />Recognizing the impacts of residential displacement, the State has enacted several new laws to <br />protect existing tenants, including: <br /> AB 1482: prohibits evictions and non-renewals of leases without “just cause,” and limits <br />rent increases to five percent per year plus CPI or 10 percent (whichever is lower); <br /> SB 330: bans the approval of development projects on sites that would eliminate existing <br />protected units unless the units are replaced with affordable units; <br /> AB 1397: requires development on Housing Element sites occupied by lower income <br />households within the last five years to be replaced with affordable units; and <br /> Density Bonus Law: requires replacement of units occupied by lower income households <br />within the last five years at an affordable housing cost. <br />Pursuant to Government Code 65583.2(g)(3) and 65915, the City will require the replacement of <br />units affordable to the same or lower-income level as a condition of any development on a non- <br />vacant site as required by SB 330 and State law. <br /> Responsible Body: Planning Division <br /> Funding Source: Planning Division budget <br /> Time Frame: As applications for redevelopment of sites with existing housing are <br />submitted <br /> Objective: Implement State law requirements when applicable during development <br />applications. The City’s objective is that 100 percent of protected units are replaced in all <br />applicable projects through 2031 <br /> <br />Goal 4: Reduce governmental constraints to the development and improvement of <br />housing where feasible. <br /> <br />Policies <br />Policy 4.1 <br />Update and amend existing City design and development guidelines and standards for residential <br />and mixed-use development, to incorporate objective standards whenever possible, so as reduce <br />uncertainty in the development process while ensuring high quality, livable projects. <br />