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47 | City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 Housing Element <br />Program 3.4 <br />Maintain building and housing code enforcement programs, monitor project conditions of approval, <br />and use code enforcement efforts to refer property owners to available rehabilitation and other <br />programs. <br /> Responsible Agency: Community Development Department <br /> Time Period: Ongoing <br /> Funding Source: Community Development Department Budget <br /> Quantified Objective: See Program 3.5 <br /> <br />Program 3.5 <br />Proactively work to assist in the rehabilitation of existing housing units determined to have <br />substandard conditions and/or known building code violations, occupied by extremely low-, very <br />low-, or low-income households, through the following measures: <br />1. Provide funding on an annual basis to the Housing Rehabilitation Program, including <br />available grant funding and City-derived funds (such as the Lower-Income Housing <br />Fee), and partner with non-profits and outside organizations to support their housing <br />rehabilitation programs and efforts. <br />2. Identify eligible single-family residential properties and households through the <br />outreach program offered the City’s Housing Rehabilitation Program, as well as <br />partnerships with agencies and non-profits that support housing rehabilitation. <br />3. Create an inventory of multi-family properties built prior to 1970, as well as properties <br />where Building Code violations have been verified, conduct a visual survey of these <br />properties, and conduct outreach to owners to identify needs and opportunities for <br />rehabilitation assistance through the Rental Housing Rehabilitation Program. As part <br />of this effort, prioritize review of older multi-unit residential properties located within <br />the Downtown area, which provides some of the most naturally affordable rental <br />housing in Pleasanton. <br />4. When rehabilitation assistance is offered for multi-family rental units, require, as a <br />condition of receipt of funds, owners to provide, in exchange, a commitment to deed <br />restrict or limit rent increases for a proportion of units in the complex to maintain their <br />existing long-term affordability for current or future tenants. <br /> Responsible Agency: Housing Division, Building and Safety Division <br /> Time Period: Ongoing administration of the Housing Rehabilitation Program; create <br />eligibility list and inventory (January 2025) <br /> Funding Source: Housing Division Budget, HOME Funds, Lower Income Housing Fund <br /> Quantified Objective: 15 lower-income units rehabilitated during the planning period