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<br />2023-2031 Housing Element City of Pleasanton | 46 <br />Programs <br />Program 3.1 <br />Amend the Zoning Ordinance to define single-family homes (or equivalent) to include <br />manufactured homes on a foundation as a conventional single-family home consistent with <br />Government Code §65852.3. <br /> Responsible Agency: Planning Division <br /> Time Period: June 2024 <br /> Funding Source: Planning Division Budget <br /> <br />Program 3.2 <br />Continue to work cooperatively with the owners of existing mobile home parks to stabilize rents <br />through implementation of existing agreements and of Pleasanton Municipal Code Chapter 6.60 <br />and ensure mobile home parks proposed for conversion to other uses only do so in accordance <br />with Government Code §65863.7. <br /> Responsible Agency: Planning Division, Housing Division <br /> Time Period: Ongoing <br /> Funding Source: Planning Division Budget, Housing Division Budget <br /> <br />Program 3.3 <br />Although no existing restricted units are currently at risk for conversion to market rate, the City <br />will monitor rent restricted assisted projects to assess the most effective methods of future <br />assistance to retain rent restrictions as needed. Methods to evaluate include the City providing <br />rehabilitation funds in addition to other incentives (e.g., density bonus, City-issued bonds or other <br />funding to reduce apartment complex mortgage rates, etc.) in exchange for extended or perpetual <br />affordability terms. <br /> Responsible Agency: Housing Division <br /> Time Period: Outreach to property owners/representatives of projects with potential <br />expirations in the future (2029) <br /> Funding Source: Lower Income Housing Fund, Housing Division Budget <br /> Quantified Objective: Preserve all existing below-market rate housing units during the <br />planning period, including rental and Single Room Occupancy units consisting of 19 <br />extremely low-, 509 very low-, 564 low-, and 31 moderate-income units (see Appendix A, <br />Tables A-18 and A-19, for a listing of units) <br />