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C-14 | City of Pleasanton Housing Constraints Table C-6: House Types Permitted by Zoning District Housing Type Zoning Districts Agricultural One-Family Residential Multi-Family Residential Mixed Use-Downtown Mixed Use-Transitional Central Commercial Service Commercial Freeway Interchange Commercial A R-1 RM MU-D MU-T C-C C-S C-F Single-family dwellings P1 P P - - - - - Multi-family dwellings - - P P2 P2 P3 - - Trailer/mobile home parks - - C4 - - - C C Accessory dwelling units P P P P P P - - Nursing homes and senior care/assisted living facilities C C5 P5 - - - - - Homeless shelters6 - - - - - - C - Transitional housing (<6 persons) P P P P7 P P7 - - Transitional housing (>6 persons) - - P - - - - - Supportive housing (<6 persons) P P P P7 P P7 - - Supportive housing (>6 persons) - - P - - - - - Employee housing (agricultural) (6 or fewer employees per Health & Safety Code §17021.5) P P P - - - - - Employee housing (agricultural) (up to 36 beds or 12 units/spaces per Health & Safety Code §17021.6) P C - - - - - - P = Permitted C = Conditionally Permitted - = Not Permitted/Not Specified