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Housing Constraints City of Pleasanton | C-15 Housing Type Zoning Districts Agricultural One-Family Residential Multi-Family Residential Mixed Use-Downtown Mixed Use-Transitional Central Commercial Service Commercial Freeway Interchange Commercial A R-1 RM MU-D MU-T C-C C-S C-F 1 Accessory living quarters without a kitchen for each dwelling on the site are permitted as an accessory use. 2 Allowed by reference consistent with the Downtown Specific Plan. 3 Multi-family dwellings and mixed-use developments are permitted in the C-C district provided that dwellings not located above a permitted nonresidential use are be subject to the requirements for usable open space per dwelling unit of the RM-1,500 district, or if applicable, the Core Area Overlay District. Within the Downtown Specific Plan, residential is only allowed on upper floors on properties fronting Main Street but may be located behind commercial uses on properties without frontage on Main Street consistent with the Downtown Specific Plan. 4 A minimum of 4,000 square feet of site area is required for each trailer space (Zoning Ordinance 18.108.030.B). 5 For not more than three patients. 6 Homeless shelters within the Service Facilities (SF) Overlay District that meet the requirements in Zoning Ordinance Chapter 18.82 shall be a permitted use. 7 Use is not permitted on the ground floor when the property is also located in the Active Ground-Floor Overlay District, except where an exemption is granted consistent with Zoning Ordinance Chapter 18.81. Source: City of Pleasanton Zoning Ordinance