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15 | City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 Housing Element <br /> Implement standards consistent with AB 2923 and work with BART to facilitate housing <br />development on the BART site (Program 1.3). <br /> Update and monitor the Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance to better meet housing policy <br />objectives (e.g., production of housing for special needs groups such as seniors, etc.) <br />(Program 2.1). <br /> Identify and adopt specific practices and strategies to foster greater inclusivity and equity <br />in access to all City programs and services, including housing and human services <br />programs. This will include developing improved partnerships with community serving <br />organizations, relationship building, and ensuring materials are available in a variety of <br />media and languages (Program 7.4). <br /> Implement a range of strategies to address the needs of the unhoused population and <br />those at-risk of becoming unhoused, including a local or subregional (Tri-Valley) <br />framework to complement that developed for Alameda County (Program 5.1). <br /> Develop objective design standards citywide to help streamline development approvals <br />and ensure quality and consistency in residential projects, including infill projects within <br />and adjacent to existing residential neighborhood (Program 4.2). <br /> The Donlon School Field (Area 3) was removed as a site for rezoning. <br />1.F Relationship to Other General Plan Elements <br />The Housing Element is one of the 13 elements of the City’s General Plan, a long-range vision <br />document that provides guidance for future development in Pleasanton. City Council adopted its <br />General Plan in 20091. For the General Plan to provide effective guidance on land use issues, the <br />goals, policies, and programs of each element must be internally consistent with other elements. <br />This Housing Element builds upon the existing General Plan and is consistent with its goals and <br />policies. Various Housing Element programs require Zoning Ordinance amendments, and some <br />will require amendments to the General Plan for consistency. As those Housing Element <br />programs are implemented, the General Plan will be amended concurrently to ensure consistency <br />across planning documents. In the event an element of the General Plan is amended, the City <br />will consider the impacts of the amendment on the other elements to maintain consistency across <br />all documents. <br />In addition, California Government Code Section 65302(g) requires safety elements to be updated <br />related to fire risk and emergency evacuation routes upon the 6th Cycle revision of the Housing <br />Element. Therefore, the City is underway with updating its Safety Element. SB 1000 (The <br /> <br /> <br />1 The Pleasanton General Plan 2005-2025 has been amended seven times since its adoption, most recently <br />in August of 2019.