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<br />2023-2031 Housing Element City of Pleasanton | 14 <br /> The Donlon School Field (Area 3) should be removed from the sites inventory. <br /> Concern related to water to accommodate the amount of housing required by the City’s <br />RHNA. <br /> Concern about modifying the zoning for sites that currently allow light <br />industrial/commercial uses, such as automotive uses (e.g., Area 11, Old Santa Rita), as <br />those uses will have limited opportunity to relocate in Pleasanton. <br />Integration of Comments into the Housing Element <br />The comments provided have been incorporated and addressed in the updated Housing Element, <br />specifically through the Housing Needs Assessment (Appendix A), the Sites Inventory and <br />Methodology (Appendix B), Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (Appendix F), and through <br />programs. Additionally, the City expanded outreach efforts to directly target underrepresented <br />populations and populations disproportionately impacted by fair housing issues. Various <br />programs that address comments include the following: <br /> Rezone land to allow more opportunity for residential development in additional areas of <br />the city (Program 1.1). <br /> Adopt Objective Design Standards to streamline housing development review and <br />approval process (Program 6.1). <br /> Provide flexible parking standards and other incentives to facilitate affordable housing <br />development and conversion or adaptive reuse of nonvacant sites (Program 1.6). <br /> Engage with Pleasanton Unified School District in rezoning efforts to facilitate housing <br />development (Program 1.5). <br /> Acquire land and/or assist in the development of housing affordable to lower-income <br />households (Program 1.5). <br /> Support access to rental housing for lower-income households, and protect tenants from <br />displacement by working with the Alameda County Housing Authority to maintain funding <br />for housing vouchers, enhance outreach, apply provisions of the Condominium <br />Ordinance, and develop an enhanced local rental assistance program (Program 2.8) <br /> Continue to offer reasonable accommodations and fee reductions for applications to <br />modify existing homes to accommodate needs of persons with disabilities (Programs 5.3 <br />and 5.7). <br /> Facilitate affordable housing such as Single Room Occupancy units for lower-income <br />individuals, seniors, and persons with disabilities (Program 5.6). <br /> Encourage ADU production through standardized building plans and informational <br />material in multiple languages, and consider additional measures if ADU production is not <br />meeting targets (Programs 1.8 and 1.9).