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2005 Pleasanton Plan 2025 2.0 Land Use Element <br />2-33Adopted 07 21 09 <br />Low- and Medium-Density projects zoned PUD may exceed the maximum density shown in Table 2-3 on portions of <br />the site, as long as the overall density for the entire site does not exceed the overall maximum permitted. Housing with <br />increased densities on portions of the parcel shall be sited to minimize potential adverse impacts on adjacent, developed <br />properties. <br />The number of units allowed on parcels zoned PUD shall be consistent with the underlying General Plan Map <br />designation (plus a possible 25 percent density bonus for the provision of significant affordable housing), multiplied by <br />the number of gross developable acres in the parcel unless otherwise determined by a specific plan. Gross Developable <br />Acres shall include all privately owned acreage within a parcel and shall exclude all publicly owned facilities (e.g., <br />City-owned parks, flood control channels, and public school sites) or such sites planned to be purchased by a public agency. <br />Acreage to be devoted to publicly owned facilities dedicated as part of a project (e.g. roadway rights-of-way, parks, and <br />trails) shall be included as “gross developable acres” unless such acreage is rendered undevelopable by other General <br />Plan provisions. <br />While midpoints and maximum densities are used to calculated residential holding capacity for planning purposes, these <br />numbers are not entitlements. The appropriate residential density for properties developed as Planned Unit <br />Developments will be determined by the City Council based on site conditions, project design, General Plan policies, and <br />other considerations. <br />Land containing no slope of less than 25 percent should be limited to one single-family home per existing lot of record. <br />The maximum density of properties designated as High-Density Residential or Mixed-Use shall be determined on a case- <br />by-case basis based on site characteristics, amenities, and affordable housing incorporated into the development. <br />The calculation of residential units based on gross developable acres and General Plan density shall be rounded down <br />to the whole unit if under 0.9 and rounded up where 0.9 and over. <br />The allowable density for Housing Element Sites Overlay properties is established for each site in the Housing <br />Element. <br />Notwithstanding this policy, the maximum density for any parcel shall be determined in compliance with applicable <br />State law. <br />Policy 12: Allow housing on the 6th Cycle Housing Element Sites, subject to site specific polices as follows: <br />Area 1 (Lester)- <br />•Any development on this site shall comply with Measures PP and QQ. <br />•A Planned Unit Development is required in conjunction with the necessary annexation of this site