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2005 Pleasanton Plan 2025 2.0 Land Use Element <br />2-32Adopted 07 21 09 <br />Residential <br />Policy 8: Preserve and enhance the character of existing residential neighborhoods. <br />Program 8.1: Enforce the provisions of the City’s Zoning Ordinance and related planning ordinances to maintain the <br />character of existing residential neighborhoods. <br />Program 8.2: Use the City’s development review procedures to minimize intrusions into existing neighborhoods. <br />Policy 9: Develop new housing in infill and peripheral areas which are adjacent to existing residential development, near <br />transportation hubs or local-serving commercial areas. <br />Program 9.1: Zone vacant infill sites at densities to facilitate development, which includes affordable housing, while <br />respecting the character of surrounding uses. <br />Policy 10: Provide flexibility in residential development standards and housing type consistent with the desired community <br />character. <br />Program 10.1: Use planned unit development (PUD) zoning for residential properties that have unique characteristics <br />or to accommodate development that does not fit under standard zoning classifications. <br />Program 10.2: Residential projects proposed for land designated as Rural Density Residential should be encouraged to <br />cluster home sites on lots of one acre or larger. <br />Program <br />10.3: <br />Residential projects identified as housing sites in the 2023-2031 (6th Cycle) Housing Element Update are subject <br />to the Objective Design Standards for Housing Sites adopted January 2023. <br />Policy 11: Residential density is determined by the General Plan density range or applicable specific plan as outlined below: <br />Residential projects proposed for land designated as Low- and Medium-Density Residential should propose densities <br />generally consistent with the average densities assumed for buildout of the General Plan, as shown in Table 2-3. <br />Low- and Medium-Density projects which propose densities greater than the average shown in Table 2-3 should be <br />zoned PUD and contain sufficient public amenities to justify the higher density. Examples of amenities which might <br />qualify a project for density bonus include the provision of affordable housing; and dedication and/or improvement of <br />parkland, open space, and/or trails beyond the standard requirements.