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Draft Housing Element, EIR, and General Plan Amendments Planning Commission <br />10 of 11 <br /> <br />(e.g., no net loss (SB 166), Housing Crisis Act (SB 330), supportive housing, <br />emergency shelters, etc.) and providing more specificity in terms of City actions. <br /> <br />Appendix E - Public Participation Summaries: Summarizes community outreach and <br />engagement meeting and surveys, with a particular focus on outreach to traditionally <br />underrepresented groups. Additional outreach summaries are provided in Appendix F <br />that are specific to Fair Housing. <br /> <br />Appendix F - Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH): Affirmatively Furthering <br />Fair Housing (AFFH) is a new requirement for the 6th Cycle and is included based on a <br />2018 State law (AB 686). AB 686 requires the Housing Element to comprehensively <br />analyze and address patterns of exclusion and segregation (looking both locally and <br />regionally), and to identify meaningful actions and strategies to address those issues <br />and their “contributing factors.” The exhaustive AFFH analysis reflects detailed <br />guidance provided by HCD, as well as best practices from other regions that have <br />already gone through HCD review and certification. The analysis relies both on <br />approved data sets, as well as local knowledge and community input. The analysis <br />includes five sections as follows: Inclusive and Equitable Outreach, Assessment of Fair <br />Housing, Analysis of Sites Inventory, Identification of Contributin g Factors, and <br />Priorities, Goals, and Actions to Affirmatively Further Fair Housing. <br /> <br />Appendix G - Housing Resources: Identifies local resources available to support the <br />continued development, preservation, and rehabilitation of housing in Pleasanton ; as <br />well as opportunities for energy conservation. In addition to Pleasanton-specific <br />resources, there are regional resources that can support the City’s housing goals, <br />including those offered through Alameda County and the Housing Authority of the <br />County of Alameda (HACA), the State, and the Federal government. <br /> <br />General Plan Amendments <br />Staff has carefully reviewed the Pleasanton General Plan to determine any necessary <br />revisions to ensure consistency between the General Plan and both the Stoneridge Mall <br />Framework and Housing Element. Amendments include, among other minor <br />amendments: <br />• Adjusting the land use table (Table 2-3) and land use map to account for the <br />Housing Element rezone sites; <br />• Modifying language scattered throughout to ensure it does not conflict with State <br />law; <br />• Adding site specific policies for several sites; and <br />• Policies for Stoneridge Mall, derived from the Stoneridge Mall Framework <br />components developed to date. <br /> <br />Attachment 1 of Exhibit C outlines the General Plan Amendments. <br /> <br />Finally, staff notes that other provisions of State law tie amendment or update of other <br />General Plan elements, notably the Safety Element, to adoption of the Housing <br />Element. Due to the accelerated timeframe for Housing Element adoption, it has not