Staff evaluated the existing site list and considered the following factors: initial sites
<br />criteria ranking, CEQA analysis including VMT impacts, LOS impact, owner
<br />interest/feasibility to redevelop, school impacts, review by HCD, and public input. Staff
<br />provides a recommendation for consideration of a proposed site list, as described
<br />further below.
<br />Initial Sites Criteria Ranking
<br />Early in the Housing Element Update process, the City Council established "site
<br />selection criteria," developing a scoring system by which to rank the potential rezone
<br />sites. The sites criteria scoring is intended to provide a screening level evaluation of the
<br />sites, based to the extent possible on objectively measurable criteria. The criteria
<br />included Site Size and Infill Criteria, Proximity to Modes of Transportation, Proximity to
<br />Services and Amenities, Environmental Impacts/Hazards, Impact on Trees, Biological,
<br />or Historic Resources, Height and Mass Compatibility, and Interest in Site
<br />The top ranked sites included: Area 7 (Hacienda Terrace), Area 15 (Rheem Drive
<br />Southwest), Area 16 (Tri -Valley Inn), Area 18 (Valley Plaza), Area 19 (Black Avenue),
<br />Area 24 (Sonoma Drive), Area 25 (PUSD District), and Area 29 (Oracle). Area 29 was
<br />the highest ranked site. The lowest ranked sites included: Area 1 (Lester), Area 4
<br />(Owens), Area 11 (Old Santa Rita), Area 12 (Pimlico North), and Area 22 (Merritt), with
<br />remaining sites falling in between. A summary of the initial scores is included as
<br />Attachment 6. Of note, some of the sites that were previously ranked have been
<br />removed from the list (i.e., Area 3 Donlon, Area 10 ValleyCare, Area 13 Pimlico South
<br />Side, Area 17 Mission Plaza, and Area 28 Steelwave).
<br />CEQA Analysis
<br />Pursuant to the requirements of CEQA, the City prepared a Draft Program
<br />Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the Housing Element Update. The DEIR
<br />focuses on changes to land use designations to accommodate residential uses for sites
<br />identified in the Housing Element Update and evaluates the potential environmental
<br />impacts of those land use and zoning changes. It also focuses on the implementation of
<br />policies and programs included in the Housing Element Update.
<br />Throughout the EIR, less than significant impacts are identified across several impact
<br />areas including Aesthetics, Energy, and Wildfire. Potentially significant impacts were
<br />identified for Air Quality, Biological Resources, Geology and Soils, Hazards and
<br />Hazardous Waste, and Noise. However, in each case, mitigation measures are
<br />specified that would reduce potential impacts to a less than significant level. While
<br />occasionally specific sites are called out, none of the impacts are deemed significant
<br />and unavoidable; thus, staff does not find that any sites should be considered more or
<br />less favorable based on the analysis of those impact areas.
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