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City of Pleasanton–Spotorno Ranch Reduced Development Project <br />Initial Study/Consistency Checklist Project Description <br /> <br /> <br />FirstCarbon Solutions 9 <br /> Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480021/Consistency Checklist/21480021 Spotorno Ranch Consistency Checklist ScreenCheck.docx <br />SECTION 2: PROJECT DESCRIPTION <br />2.1 - Introduction <br />The subject property is located in the Happy Valley Area and is part of the larger Spotorno Ranch <br />property referred to in the HVSP, which sought to preserve large areas of the ranch’s open space by <br />planning for clustering of homes. The proposed project involves only Lot 98 of the Spotorno Ranch <br />property. Lot 98 includes approximately 112 acres, consisting of approximately 33 acres identified in <br />the 1998 HVSP FEIR as the Spotorno Flat Area, as well as approximately 81 acres identified as Parcel <br />C. (Exhibit 3). <br />The proposed project consists of a request for a PUD to develop 22 single-family detached homes <br />with 22 ADUs, and related on- and off-site improvements. The development would occur on <br />approximately 31 acres of the 33-acre Spotorno Flat Area. The remaining 2 acres of the Spotorno Flat <br />Area are considered undevelopable because they are within the identified 50-foot setback from the <br />Verona Fault. The Spotorno Family would retain ownership of the undevelopable 2 acres, along with <br />the remainder of Lot 98 (i.e., Parcel C) totaling approximately 80 acres, which would be dedicated as <br />permanent agricultural/open space via recordation of a conservation easement; the open space <br />parcel would be designated/zoned A/OS. <br />This Initial Study/Consistency Checklist has been completed in accordance with the State CEQA <br />Guidelines. CEQA requires that State and local public agencies analyze proposed projects to <br />determine potential impacts on the environment and disclose any such impacts. The details of this <br />section have been written to describe the features of the proposed project consistent with the CEQA <br />Guidelines. <br />2.2 - Project Location and Setting <br />2.2.1 - Physical Setting <br />The 33-acre subject property is located within the HVSP area in the southern portion of the City of <br />Pleasanton, in Alameda County, California. The HVSP area is an 860-acre area located generally east <br />of Interstate 680 (I-680) and south of Sycamore Road. (Exhibit 1 and Exhibit 2). The HVSP area is <br />designated within the City’s General Plan, as shown in Exhibit 3. The HVSP area consists of six <br />subareas: the Golf Course Subarea, the Golf Course Low Density Residential Subarea, the Spotorno <br />Upper Valley Low Density Residential Subarea, the Spotorno Upper Valley Medium Density <br />Residential Subarea, the Greater Happy Valley Semi-Rural Density Residential Subarea (which <br />includes the 33-acre Spotorno Flat Area), and the Agriculture/Open Space Subarea as shown on <br />Exhibit 4. <br />The subject property is roughly bounded by Alisal Street on the west, Westbridge Lane and Faith <br />Chapel Assembly of God to the south, and undeveloped hills to the east and northeast, with rural <br />and semi-rural density residential uses to the north. The topography of the Lot 98 varies, with hills <br />and ridgelines in the northern and eastern portions of the site (Spotorno Hill) and flat terrain in the <br />southwest (Spotorno Flat Area). The City’s Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) generally aligns with the