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City of Pleasanton–Spotorno Ranch Reduced Development Project <br />Project Description Initial Study/Addendum <br /> <br /> <br />10 FirstCarbon Solutions <br /> Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480021/Consistency Checklist/21480021 Spotorno Ranch Consistency Checklist ScreenCheck.docx <br />eastern boundary of the Spotorno Flat Area, at the toe of Spotorno Hill. The eastern (Spotorno Hill) <br />portion of Lot 98 is located outside the UGB line but within the city limits. <br />Current vehicular access to the site is from I-680, via Happy Valley Road or Sycamore Road to a gated <br />access point on Alisal Street near the Faith Chapel Assembly of God Church. <br />Surrounding Area <br />Surrounding land uses include large lot rural residential uses to the west, north, and southwest; the <br />Faith Chapel Assembly of God Church to the southwest; the Callippe Preserve Golf Course and <br />single-family residential uses to the south and southeast, and open space to the east. <br />West <br />The Spotorno Flat Area is bounded by Alisal Street, large lot rural residential properties, and <br />undeveloped land that spans further west. Existing trees are located sparsely along west side of <br />Alisal Street, and the undeveloped land mostly consists of grasslands. Alisal Street and properties to <br />the west of Alisal Street are located in unincorporated Alameda County. <br />North <br />Directly to the north of the Spotorno Flat Area are single-family residential properties that have been <br />annexed to the City. Large lot residential properties are located along the northwest boundary of the <br />project site, and extend north from the Spotorno Upper Valley Area. The northernmost portion of <br />the Spotorno Ranch is located adjacent to Minnie Street (a private driveway providing access to and <br />from the Spotorno Residence) and is near a low-density, single-family residential neighborhood <br />located on Sycamore Creek Way. A City water tank is located in the vicinity to north and serves the <br />neighborhoods north of the project site. To the north and northeast of this water tank is hilly, open <br />space grasslands. The City approved the Lund Ranch Project, a 43-unit single-family detached <br />residential project in 2015, and more recently in 2020, a low-density residential development (the <br />five-lot Bringhurst/Sycamore Corner Project). Lund Ranch is under construction. <br />East <br />The area directly to the east of the Spotorno Flat Area predominantly consists of open space <br />grasslands within hilly terrain and scattered oak trees near the ridgetops and clustered within <br />ravines. This area is located outside the City ’s UGB line. A City water tank is located slightly northeast <br />of the project site. <br />South <br />The Spotorno Flat Area is bounded to the south by Westbridge Lane and Faith Chapel Assembly of <br />God. The City’s Callippe Preserve Golf Course is located directly south of Westbridge Lane, wrapping <br />around six residential lots that face onto Westbridge Lane. Adjacent land uses to the southeast <br />include four residential properties near the intersection of Westbridge Lane and Clubhouse Drive. <br />2.2.2 - Site Conditions <br />Lot 98 is generally undeveloped and dominated by mature vegetation and nonnative and native <br />grasslands. The Spotorno Flat Area contains flat terrain that is mowed and tilled on a regular basis,