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City of Pleasanton–Spotorno Ranch Reduced Development Project <br />Introduction Initial Study/Addendum <br /> <br /> <br />8 FirstCarbon Solutions <br /> Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480021/Consistency Checklist/21480021 Spotorno Ranch Consistency Checklist ScreenCheck.docx <br />consistent with a Specific Plan) and Section 15183 (Projects Consistent with a Community Plan or <br />Zoning) to determine whether the proposed project requires additional environmental review. <br />CEQA Guidelines Sections 15182(a) and 15183 mandate that projects that are consistent with the <br />development density established by existing zoning, community plan, or general plan policies for <br />which an FEIR was certified (in this case, the HVSP and the 2009 City of Pleasanton General Plan <br />2005-2025) shall not require additional environmental review, except as might be necessary to <br />examine whether there are project-specific significant effects that are peculiar to the project or its <br />site. CEQA requires that State and local public agencies analyze proposed projects to determine <br />potential impacts on the environment and disclose any such impacts. The details of this section have <br />been written to describe the features of the proposed project consistent with the CEQA Guidelines. <br />1.1 - Summary of Results <br />As illustrated by the following Consistency Checklist, the proposed project is found to be in <br />conformance with the analysis and conclusions of the 1998 HVSP FEIR. This determination supports <br />the design review approval of the proposed project and is based on the following criteria: <br />1. There are no new significant effects peculiar to the proposed project or its site; <br />2. There are no new significant effects that were not previously evaluated in the 1998 HVSP <br />FEIR; <br />3. There are no new significant off-site or cumulative impacts that were not analyzed in the <br />1998 HVSP FEIR, and <br />4. There are no adverse impacts that are more severe than those previously identified in the <br />1998 HVSP FEIR. <br /> <br />This evaluation concludes that as required by CEQA Guidelines Section 15182(c) a determination has <br />been made that no events described in CEQA Guidelines Section 15162 have occurred, and therefore <br />the proposed project is within the scope of the 1998 HVSP FEIR, and that no further CEQA <br />documentation is required. <br />The 1998 HVSP FEIR is available at: <br />City of Pleasanton <br />Jenny Soo, Associate PlannerCommunity Development Department <br />200 Old Bernal Avenue <br />PO Box 520 <br />Pleasanton, CA 94566 <br />925.931.5615 <br /> <br />