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City of Pleasanton–Spotorno Ranch Reduced Development Project <br />Initial Study/Consistency Checklist Introduction <br /> <br /> <br />FirstCarbon Solutions 7 <br /> Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480021/Consistency Checklist/21480021 Spotorno Ranch Consistency Checklist ScreenCheck.docx <br />SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION <br />The Spotorno Ranch 22-unit Development Project (proposed project) is located in the Happy Valley <br />Area of the City of Pleasanton and is located on Lot 98 of the larger Spotorno Ranch property in the <br />Happy Valley Specific Plan (HVSP) (Exhibit 1 and Exhibit 2). Lot 98 is approximately coterminous with <br />Assessor Parcel Number (APN) 949-016-006 (Exhibit 3), with the addition of about 5 acres from the <br />adjoining APN 948-15-2-1. Lot 98 encompasses approximately 112 acres, consisting of approximately <br />33 acres known generally as the Spotorno Flat Area, as well as approximately 81 acres identified as <br />Parcel C in the proposed development plan. The Spotorno Flat Area is described as 33 acres in the <br />HVSP but two of those acres have building constraints and will be added to future Parcel C being <br />proposed as part of the proposed project. (Exhibit 3). For the purposes of density calculation, the <br />entire 33 acres is utilized, as it was identified in the original HVSP. <br />The HVSP Environmental Impact Report, certified by the City in 1998 (State Clearinghouse [SCH] No. <br />97032034, certified June 16, 1998) (1998 HVSP FEIR), evaluated the potential environmental impacts <br />associated with construction of 22 dwelling units in the Spotorno Flat Area. <br />The proposed project consists of a request for a Planned Unit Development (PUD) to create 22 <br />single-family residential lots for semi-custom homes with an accessory dwelling unit on each lot and <br />related on- and off-site improvements, consistent with the number of dwelling units evaluated in the <br />1998 HVSP FEIR. <br />Development activity would be limited to an approximately 31-acre portion of the Spotorno Flat <br />Area; the remaining 2 acres comprising the 33-acre Spotorno Flat Area are located within a defined <br />50-foot setback from the Verona Fault. Accordingly, these 2 acres are considered undevelopable and <br />are therefore proposed to be dedicated as permanent agricultural open space, along with the <br />remainder of Lot 98 (i.e., the approximately 81-acre “Parcel C”) (Exhibit 3). <br />Lots could be sold to a builder or sold individually, and each house would be constructed by the <br />owner under the design guidelines of the PUD. The Spotorno Family would retain the remaining <br />approximately 81 acres (Parcel C plus the two undevelopable acres of the Spotorno Flat Area), which <br />would be dedicated and zoned Agricultural and Open Space (A/OS). <br />This Initial Study/Consistency Checklist and attached supporting documents have been prepared to <br />determine whether and to what extent the 1998 HVSP FEIR addresses the potential impacts of the <br />proposed project.1 Where appropriate, this checklist identifies current Best Management Practices <br />(BMPs) that would enhance the effectiveness of mitigation measures from the 1998 HVSP FEIR that <br />are applicable to the proposed project. The following Consistency Checklist has been prepared <br />pursuant to State California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15182(a) (Projects <br /> <br />1 Technical studies and preliminary environmental review were conducted in 2018 to evaluate a higher density 39-unit development <br />on the same site. To the extent the 2018 data and analysis remain relevant, it is provided for informational purposes to aid in the <br />analysis of the proposed project.