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The revised modeling undertaken for the RDSEIR and RFSEIR (together, the RSEIR) <br /> resulted in changes to the conclusions in the DSEIR related to air quality impacts only. <br /> The RSEIR found certain air quality impacts (i.e. construction-related criteria pollutant <br /> emissions) could be potentially significant, but they could be mitigated to less than <br /> significant levels with an identified, new mitigation measure (i.e. new Mitigation Measure <br /> M-AQ-11). The RSEIR also found the three air quality impacts (i.e. Impacts 4.B-2, 4.B-3 <br /> and 4.B-6) the DSEIR previously identified as significant and unavoidable are actually <br /> all less than significant. <br /> The new less than significant findings for these three air quality impacts are a result of <br /> the revised modeling, as discussed above. Specifically, regarding Impact 4.B-2 (the <br /> project's operational emissions of criteria pollutant emissions), the DSEIR found that <br /> maximum net new emissions of nitrous oxide (NOx) at full buildout in 2025 would be 102 <br /> lbs./day (129 lbs./day for the project and 27 lbs./day for existing conditions), while the <br /> RFSEIR found that maximum emissions of NOx at full buildout in 2031 would be 34.2 <br /> lbs./day with mitigation (70.1 lbs./day for the project and 35.9 lbs./day for existing <br /> conditions). These values compare to the threshold of significance of 54 lbs./day; the <br /> DSEIR emissions exceed the threshold while the RFSEIR emissions do not. The <br /> RFSEIR's lower emissions are due to a number of factors, primarily: a new full buildout <br /> year of 2031, resulting in much lower mobile source (traffic) and energy (natural gas) <br /> emission factors than the full buildout year of 2025 as analyzed in the DSEIR; an <br /> updated mix of land uses to more accurately reflect the project as compared to existing <br /> conditions; reduced annual gas station throughput of 24 million gallons; and new <br /> emission factors for on-road vehicles, area sources, and energy use, as embodied in <br /> the latest version of the emissions modeling software used for the analysis, CaIEEMod <br /> version 2016.3.2 (the DSEIR used version 2013.3.2). <br /> Regarding Impact 4.B-3 and Impact 4.B-6, the DSEIR found significant and unavoidable <br /> impacts because Impact 4.B-2 was significant and unavoidable (operational criteria <br /> pollutant emissions of NOx exceeded the thresholds of significance). Because the <br /> RFSEIR found that Impact 4.B-2 is less than significant with mitigation as discussed <br /> above (both mitigated Phase 1 construction and unmitigated full-buildout operational <br /> criteria pollutant emissions of NOx do not exceed the thresholds of significance), both <br /> Impact 4.B-3 and Impact 4.B-6 are also less than significant with mitigation. <br /> 1 Mitigation Measure M-AQ-1: Construction Emissions Minimization. The project sponsor or the project <br /> sponsor's contractor shall comply with the following: 1. All off-road equipment (including water <br /> construction equipment used onboard barges) greater than 50 horsepower shall have engines that meet <br /> Tier 3 off-road emission standards. 2. Diesel engines, whether for off-road or on-road equipment, shall <br /> not be left idling for more than two minutes, at any location, except as provided in exceptions to the <br /> applicable state regulations regarding idling for off-road and on-road equipment (e.g., traffic conditions, <br /> safe operating conditions). The contractor shall post legible and visible signs in English, Spanish, and <br /> Chinese, in designated queuing areas and at the construction site to remind operators of the two-minute <br /> idling limit. 3. The contractor shall instruct construction workers and equipment operators on the <br /> maintenance and tuning of construction equipment and require that such workers and operators properly <br /> maintain and tune equipment in accordance with manufacturer specifications. <br /> Page 15 of 23 <br />