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Response: The proposed roof pitches complement the roof pitches on the <br /> building designs of the surrounding properties. A 4:12 roof pitch is the <br /> predominant roof pitch for the proposed production homes with some models <br /> having a combination of 4:12, 5:12, and 6:12 roof pitches. Based on the <br /> Planning files, the roof pitch for the homes in the Bas Homes development vary <br /> from a 4:12 roof pitch (the ratio of height to length in feet) to a 6:12 roof pitch. <br /> The homes in the Palmer Drive development were constructed with a 6:12 roof <br /> pitch. <br /> 3) Mr. Lawer stated his opposition to stop signs on the Street A/Cameron Avenue/ <br /> Equestrian Drive intersection to prevent the vehicular acceleration/deceleration <br /> noise of a stop-sign controlled intersection from impacting his home. <br /> Response: The proposed Street A/Cameron Avenue/Equestrian Drive <br /> intersection will be constructed without stop signs. If on-going traffic safety <br /> issues develop with this intersection, the City will conduct a stop-sign warrant <br /> analysis including public notice and input to determine if stop signs are <br /> necessary. <br /> 4) Mr. Lawer requested that red-painted curbs be provided on Street A and <br /> Cameron Avenue for traffic safety reasons and to prevent long-term vehicle <br /> parking/storage on these streets. <br /> Response: Parking is provided on both sides of A Street in response to <br /> neighbor's concerns of the owners and guests of this development parking in <br /> their neighborhoods. The appropriateness of red curbs and parking on Cameron <br /> Avenue will be reviewed with the Tentative Subdivision Map subject to Planning <br /> Commission review. <br /> 5) Mr. Lawer requested the accessory structures and swimming pools in the rear <br /> yards of the four lots facing Cameron Avenue be located towards the north sides <br /> of these lots to prevent noise impacts to his home. <br /> Response: A 30-foot setback is required to be provided from the Cameron <br /> Avenue property lines for swimming pools and spas and for enclosed and open <br /> accessory structures, which moves these structures closer to the north property <br /> lines of these lots. <br /> 6) Mr. Lawer requested that a fund be created to cover the costs of construction <br /> dust/dirt removal. <br /> Response: The applicant is required to engage in the cleanup of surrounding <br /> properties including, but not limited to, power-washing, pool cleaning, etc., as <br /> required by the City Engineer. An updated dust control plan is also required with <br /> the Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map subject to Planning Commission review. <br /> Page 8 of 16 <br />