8, Grautee ~hall/ at Its expense, comply with a]]. appt. rcabfe taws,
<br />regulations, rules and orders, regardless car when riley become or becime
<br />effective, includi'.~9 without ].Imitation those us!sting to hea!th~ safety,
<br />noise, environmental protection, waste disposal, aud water and air
<br />quality, and fu'alish sat/sfactory avidonce
<br />,']~si: of Railroad
<br />
<br />pancy thereof, Grantee, at its expense, sha~l De obligai_e.:~ t, c!a<;~
<br />the premises r.o the satisfactiou of Railroad and any ,;ove=;~menta] b~:el
<br />having jurisdiction thereo~,er.
<br />
<br /> Grantee agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend Hall. road against
<br />ai! ]~ebi]iiy, cost and expense {including without limitation any fines,
<br />p, ~k~lti es. 3udgment.l } J itin/ation costs and attorney fses) incurred
<br />Railroad aL a result of Grantee's breach of this section, or as a rebult
<br />of any such discharge, leakage, spi!tage~ emissj. cn or pollution, regard-
<br />less of whether such ];ability, cost or expense arises during the life
<br />of this indenture unless such liability, cost or expense is prOximately
<br />caused solely by the active negligence of Pailroad.
<br />
<br /> 9. As part considei'ation, Gl-antee agrees no pay Railroad an amount
<br />equal to any ane a!i assessments which may be [e~d. ed by order of any
<br />authorized lawful body against the property of Railroad (and which may
<br />have been paid by Rah!road) tc defray any part oli the cost or expense
<br />jnc~lrred in connectior~ 5~itll the c.T, nstructlon of said strllcture ~oon said
<br />{.f!pezty conm~enzed wjt,,~in one (!) year from the dat.~ finst heroin written.
<br />
<br /> 10. Grantee, its agents and employees subject to provisions hereof,
<br />shall have the privilege of entry en said properzy for the purpose of
<br />
<br />{:o said structure. Grantee agrees zo ,Fi_ve Railroad five (5) days' writ-
<br />
<br />emergency repairs~ ~n which event Grantee shall notify Railroad's authou-
<br />ized xepresentative ny phone~ Grantee agrees {u keep said property
<br />saLd structure in ~o,3d and safe condition, free from waste, so far as
<br />affected Dy Grantso's operations, to the satisfaction of Rallroad. if
<br />,tantee fails to keep said property and said structure ]_n a good aal safe
<br />i"ondit!on~ free from waste, then Railroad map perfof~ the neeessar7 work
<br />
<br />of' its appurtenances, to be done '~pOr~ or adjacent to the t~[acks .'.iI~c F~op.-
<br />e~ty ot Rai!road, should be lee to a coI1jractor by Grantee, such work
<br />sh~l.] ~ct be begun until such contractor shall have fir'~t tittered inta
<br />,~', ay~eement w=.th Rai]ro~d, satisfactory to Railroad, ~nd i. ndemr~ifyir~g
<br />Rdilroad f;.:on~ and {~.galnst If1 claims, li. abi]ity, cost. ~nu e.:perse g~owin,::
<br />out of the perromance of the work to be done by such contractor.
<br />
<br />
<br />