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2. P~oject ma~'keLs 3n form and size satis£ac-tory to Railroad~ <br />id~i~tif~ing the facility and its owner, wL!l be installed and con., <br />:.~ant ll, ~aainta.ined L.y and at the expense o~ Gc~n~ee ,:~: Rai l~,~ad <br />H~o[~erty lines or such locations as Railroad shall approve. Such <br />na ~'kers sha] 1 be ~e]n~ated c:~r removed upon ;7~ue,~t of Ra~ ~ taa ~ --i t <br /> <br /> 3. This grant iu made sl~bject: and subordinaLe to the <br />,.;u~;l, iDUing rlght and obligation o~ Railroad, its succnssors <br />~:O use a~1 the property described herein in the performance of <br />· 'J,s r:k 1~Oh]/Bo]] C:a~Iler, and the]'e is reserved ~lEl[o Raj]road~ its <br /> :}: [;~:~ ~ t.~.e ~ight ~cor. sistent with the righis hereic: <br /> ~ .['~ ~ ,.constru~:t~ maintain and use existing and fut~re <br /> .~, ks, ~ar ilities and appurtenances and existing and future <br />~.Lo,:. coj~munjcation and pipeline facilities and appurtenance~ <br /> ~,2er ~ thKier, across and alc~Dg said property. <br /> <br /> 4 This grant is made subject to all licenses, leases, e~bements, <br />e:~ t riot ions, condi ti.,ns, covena '~ts, encumbrances, ]iens and c] aims of <br />~iLle which may affect said property and the word "grant," as used here-* <br /> n. shall not be construed as a cove~ant against the ewistenc~ of dny <br />khezeof, <br /> <br /> Fh,:? ~.ight, s he~eii~ <,~c,fixt~d tl> Giantee sh~ll lapse a~id b~c,.'~me uoj. J <br />construction of said structure upon said p "operty is not coramenced <br />one (]) year from the ,'late first herein written. <br /> <br /> ect~m~L_L{~ctir~g dnd ra~intalr!ing said structure upon said property~ ,',;rantee <br /> <br />whatsoever with the o[:~erations of Railroad. The p]_ans f{:w and the c(~l- <br />sLxuction or reconstruction of said structure sha] 1 be subject t:o the <br />,~pproval o f Rai ] ~ oad. <br /> <br />witit the cor~st:ruction, reconstruction, ma[r~tenance and r'em~va] of <br />stru~:~ut'e ~Drr~kldilH.]: L, IjT riot: l:imi~ed Lc:, tfhe ~!-;t:,~ ', ~.~r :~...,~ <br /> <br /> ,, in the {, ent Railroad shal] at: any t.[me so req/j~L'e, <br />nEantee~s expense, shall reconstruct, alter, makes changes <br />tf.H~ off said str injure ,:~L: other'wise froprove said structu'~=: <br />~' , ~ it: 'on nc,~ ~,(,~j ]] 2,,'[{ Raj [r,:3d so tlc; <br /> <br />in the loca- <br />uDc,u re:ceipt <br /> <br />'2-. <br /> <br /> <br />