i2. Should (irdrtt,:u, its StlCCe.'~SOLS Ol obSigi,S~ at any i_lffle
<br />~i'.andon the use of said propert';,, or any part theiroff, or fail at
<br /> f j mtz to use tlh~ sanh~ for kh,i, ~dl r pose t:on t~:m~ ] ~t cd [h- r ~i rl t ,)r d
<br />,'~'HtjFR1OHS period o~ ,,n,:' (1} y{~,~ , Che t iqhf h~t'by ,Jiv~:r'~ shc~jl ,,:cctse
<br /> tile extent of t he, use so abdndc~rled or dj 5c~ ,nt irhued t and ~al ] lo~d
<br />
<br />· .} ,~i J at once have the t'i':th'~ , i~} ddd[tjon t:r,, hul f~>h in ci~i~ [i,'at u.q.
<br />
<br /> '~ .. . ....
<br />
<br />~,, ,the same state ztn,i cond i t j ~A~ 1 n whi ch i t cx i st ed ~>~ k,>~ it3 tD(z
<br />.:~ ,'uct:ion of said St_]~li,.}tllrQ. ~;'.~r>t:id Grante~ in such event
<br />
<br />::{. ~] afld !-~ t(~l-a[ fob .71a}~ I2u [>cYir>f~ed by [~aj I ] oact, at th~ expense= ot
<br />Or ,hi ee, ~4~ie~ ~,xpense f]~ ant ~:,~ aqrees; t o ~,ay t o Raj I todd upon durm,nd
<br />
<br /> 13. This inLi~ i~ttii. iS :,n:ljt'<-t t.<; i.flt. r !gh(:; i~[ .%outlaczEn Pa.c]j:.!c:
<br />Pf~e2 i,jnes, Inc} he~einaftcr ~errued "['ip<~ Line Company," to COuS~l'tlCt
<br />maintain a petro]eum, ndl:ura] ,F~S au,] r,~!ated products pipeline, a
<br />f~:'rtion of which is ]o,::,~ted 3s iz~dicated ,m the attacb~,d prir~[
<br />
<br />Gfalltee ag toes tl9:
<br />
<br />Crossing wi t-b said strncture ~ n the [~resence ,~lj ~
<br />Pip{- nine ('c,mbany r.~p~er~entative; and
<br />
<br />{b)
<br />
<br />notify Pipe I,inc Company's 1)istl~ct h. upe~irltunci,:nt
<br />,',t (916) 624- 24~
<br />
<br />in the v~cir~it.y of ~;aid pipeline,
<br />
<br />I 4 . I r:sOfar as i t lawru I ] ~' n-ny, Grdnt~le: aqKe','s to) i [:] .'a%,. ari(i It~-
<br />.~ :.li~'k[7 Rai]r'oad anfi.'c:,r Pipe [,.kn,) C(qI/[)dlly, ~hq'iE officers, ('t~i~)~r~yeesr
<br />dgent s, successf,r's and assigns, [' tom al] c [a ires, [ ~ abi litV, cost and
<br />
<br />
<br />