Altamont Creek Elementary School, 08-51, Waste Reduction and Prevention in Science Lab, Livermore, East
<br />County - $2549.00 this project will focus on Greening the Green Waste. 'fhe school plans a kick off prograrn during
<br />Garth Week of 2009. 'fhe "Green "team" for cafeteria recycling successfully became an °independent program" diverting
<br />and preventing much cafeteria waste. "fhe Green "team isn't needed to run the program [his year, just adult supervision
<br />throughout the cafeteria. In order to improve the Green Waste recycling and prevention, the school will organize
<br />something similar. The program will revitalize, educating students, teachers and families during Earth Week. The green
<br />team will also be trained to address challenges of composting of collected food scraps.
<br />The total 2008 Expenditure Plan budget of $GU,000 for mini-grants was approved by the Board along with the
<br />option to expend any remaining carryover mini-grant funds from prior years in 2009. The amount carried over to
<br />Grant Year 2008 from prior years is $44,093.52. A total of $95,360.00 in mini-grants was awarded from the 2008
<br />mini-grant funds, including carryover. This distribution of mini-grant funds has left a remaining balance of
<br />$8,713.52 for mini-grant funding. The Board has reissued the mini-grant application annom~cement mtd will
<br />entertain applications fur mini-grants throughout the year.
<br />Proicct Grants
<br />The Education Advisory Board awarded 10 project grants to the following projects:
<br />SF Deparhnmrt of [he F,nvironment, 08-12, Food [o Flowers, San Francisco, West County - $16,000 grant funds will
<br />be used to increase diversion in the San Francisco Unified School District (SEUSD) and San Francisco's private schools
<br />by expanding our School Educational Program. "this project will work in partnership with Norcal Waste Systems; San
<br />Francisco's permitted waste and recycling hauler, as well as SEUSD and private schools.
<br />Hearst Elementary School, 08-13 (1st of 3 years), Environmental Classroom, Pleasanton, Fast Cowtty - $10,000
<br />utilizing the GGI framework and the monies from this grant oppo~luuity, the Hearst Community will continue to realize
<br />and achieve our goal of understanding the global ecosystem through environmental stewardship in ow' own schoolyard.
<br />Tri Valley ROP at Livermore High School, 08-14, Spray Gun Cleaner and Recycler, Livermore, East County -
<br />$3,735 with these grant funds the addition of a state of the art spray gun cleaner and recycler will better expose students to
<br />industry standards, reduce the cost of solvents and recycling by using water borne technology to filter and separate
<br />pigments Gom the paint and clean the paint spray guns and use recycled solvents to clean clear coast spray guns and
<br />equipment. "fhe procurement of this equipment would create awareness of environmental pollution controls and practices,
<br />recycling requirements and equipment, and improve enviromnental accountability.
<br />Oakland Asian Students Education Services (OASES), 08-I5, 4R's You and Your Community. Oakland, Wes[
<br />County - $20,000 OASES hopes to build upon its success educating and encouraging yomh to practice the 4R's (Reduce,
<br />Reuse, Recycle and Rot) by engaging youth with additional 4R's workshops that build youth connections to the
<br />community at large. Students will learn concepts and skills and apply their learning by raising awareness and serving the
<br />community.
<br />Friends of Outdoor Recreation in San Lorenzo, 08-16, Environmental Awareness and Climate Protection Program
<br />for San Lorenzo Middle School, San Lorenzo, West Cotmty - $20,000 this funding will provide financial assistance to
<br />40 families who cannot afford to send their children to Camp Arroyo, pilot and fund °Bright Futures" and after school
<br />science program for all grade levels, establish and fund an Environmental Science Pair, and conduct and fund outdoor
<br />field trips for all 6'~' and T° grade students in San Lorenzo.
<br />City of Albany, 08-19, Greening Albany Schools -GAS, Albany, West County - $15,000 GAS would continue the
<br />work the City of Albany has conducted to date to "green" Albany, particularly our local schools, by expanding the
<br />existing 6°i grade 4R's educational project to include the City's three elementary schools. GAS is intended to utilize the
<br />sU~ucture of the City's existing 4R's project to offer waste diversion lessons to Albany's 3"~. 4°i and 6'" grade classrooms,
<br />and work in coordination with appropriate staff from each school to identify issues related to waste diversion and enhance
<br />recycling and food scrap/organics services.
<br />East Bay Depot for Creative Reuse, OS-18, Program for Educators, Oakland, West County - $25,000 to broaden
<br />outreach efforts to educators by building lasting relationships with schools and teachers through the Depot facility,
<br />conduct outreach to schools within a five mile radius or Altamont landfill, create an Educators Resource Library in the
<br />"feather's Corner at the Depot store, continue 29-year history of diverting usable materials from the landfill, have the
<br />Education Coordinator and new outreach staff continue to develop and execute a relevant plan for education outreach,
<br />develop a database system to manage contact information on teachers who we work with, and those who come into the
<br />depot, expand upon existing collaborations with organiz,,ations, and expand what is offered to teachers.
<br />Earth Team Environmental Network, 08-19, Waste Action Month, Berkeley, West County - $15,000 to empower
<br />Alameda County teens on 6 high school and middle school campuses to implement a waste action program WAM -that
<br />