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NILES-PLEASANTON TRACK CONSOLIDATION PROJECT <br /> <br /> SECTION II - contd. <br /> <br /> a Main Street, CPUC Crossing No. D-40.6. <br /> b. Abbie Street, CPUC Crossing No. D-40.7. <br /> c. Angela Street, CPUC Crossing No. D-40.8. <br /> d. West Neal Street, CPUC Crossing No. D~40.9. <br /> e. Spring Street, CPUC Crossing No. D-41.1. <br /> f. Ray Street, CPUC Crossing No. D-41.2. <br /> g. Stanley Boulevard, CPUC Crossing No. D-41.5. <br /> <br /> 6. Maintain all street portions of the project as constructed within <br />CITY, and make no claim against COUNTY at any time for any portion of such <br />maintenance expense. <br /> <br /> 7. Prepare contract documents, advertise for bids and award a construc- <br />tion contract, provide construction engineering, except as otherwise provided in <br />paragraph 3 of Section III below, and certify the completed work for the CITY'S <br />portion of the project as set forth in paragraphs i and 2 above and for the under- <br />pass structure and appurtenant approaches on Pleasanton-Sunol Road at WPRR Mile <br />Post 37.2 identified in paragraph 1 Section III below as so authorized by COUNTY. <br /> <br /> 8. Place COUNTY's deposit required to be made by paragraph 4 of <br /> <br />SECTION III below in an interest bearing trust account, with the interest derived <br />therefrom to be credited at the end of each quarter to the aforesaid trust <br />account. Withdrawals of the deposited amount and accumulated interest from the <br />aforesaid interest-bearing trust account will be made as necessary to cover <br />paS~nent for COUNTY's portion of the project. <br /> <br /> 9. Upon completion and acceptance by CITY of CITY's construction <br />contract for the project improvements noted in paragraph 7 above, to furnish <br />COUNTY with a detailed statement of costs to be borne by both CITY and COUNTY, <br />and to refund to COUNTY any amount of COUNTY's deposited funds remaining after <br />total costs to be borne by COUNTY have been deducted. <br /> <br /> 10. Authorize COUNTY to provide construction surveying for CITY's <br /> <br />portion of the project. <br /> <br /> <br />