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NILES-PLEASANTON TRACK CG..~OLIDATION PROJECT <br /> <br /> SECTION I I I - COUNTY <br /> <br /> FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION OF THE COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS TO BE KEPT AND <br />PERFORMED BY CITY, AS PROVIDED HEREIN, COUNTY AGREES TO: <br /> <br /> 1. Cause the preparation of plans and specifications for the construc- <br />tion of a two-lane underpass structure and appurtenant approaches on Pleasanton-Sunol <br />Road at WPRR mile post 37.2, the removing of the existing superstructure at CPUC <br />Crossing No. 4-37.2-B on the Pleasanton-Sunol Road upon completion of the new under- <br />pass structure and appurtenant approaches, and restoring the roadway in an appro- <br />priate manner said plans and specifications to be in accordance with the requirements <br />set forth in paragraph 7, Part 1, of the aforesaid four-party track consolidation <br />project agreement entered into on March 23, 1982, and to be submitted to the WPRR for <br />review and approval prior to the advertising and awarding of any constuction contract <br />for the said underpass structure and appurtenant approaches. <br /> <br /> 2. Authorize CITY to prepare contract documents, advertise for bids <br /> <br />and award a construction contract, provide construction engineering, except as <br />otherwise provided in paragraph 3 below, and certify the completed work for the <br />underpass structure and approaches covered in paragraph 1 above. Said authoriz- <br />ation shall be in writing by a letter from the Alameda County Director of Public <br />Works. <br /> <br /> 3. Provide construction inspection of COUNTY's portion of the project, <br />and construction surveying for the entire project. <br /> <br /> 4. Deposit with CITY, within 10 days of receipt of billing therefor <br />(which billing will be forwarded immediately following CITY's award of a construction <br />contract for the aforesaid underpass structures and approaches and other project <br />street construction work), twenty-five percent (25%) of the construction contract <br />bid amount remaining after deducting the sum of $5,000,000 from the aforesaid <br />contract bid amount. <br /> <br /> 5. Except as may otherwise be provided for in this agreement, pay to CITY <br />promptly upon receipt of billing therefor, any amount over and above COUNTY's advance <br />deposit, as provided in paragraph 4 above, required to complete COUNTY's financial <br />obligations. <br /> <br /> <br />