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NILES-PLEASANTON TRACK CONSOLIDATION PROJECT <br /> <br /> SECTION II - CITY <br /> <br /> FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION OF THE COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS TO BE KEPT <br />AND PERFORMED BY COUNTY, AS PROVIDED HEREIN, CITY AGREES TO: <br /> <br /> 1. Cause the preparation of plans and specifcations for the con- <br />struction of a four-lane underpass structure and appurtenant approaches on Bernal <br />Avenue at WPRR milepost 41.1 and a four-lane underpass structure and appurtenant <br />approaches on the Del Valle Parkway extension at WPRR milepost 41.8, said plans <br />and specifications to be in accordance with the requirements set forth in para- <br />.qraph 7, Part 1, of the aforesaid four-party track consol idation project agreement <br />entered into on March 23, 1982, and to be submitted to the WPRR for review and <br />approval prior to the advertising and awarding of any construction contract for <br />the said underpass structures and appurtenant approaches. <br /> <br /> 2. Cause the preparation of plans and specifications for the con- <br />struction of a street on the easterly side of the main line of the WPRR between <br />the northerly 1 ine of Rose Avenue and the southerly 1 ine of St. Mary' s Street to <br />provide for local traffic circulation which would otherwise be disrupted by <br />closure of the Division Street grade crossing (CPUC Crossing No. 4-41.5). <br /> <br /> 3. Contract with COUNTY for the acquisition of all rights-of-way <br />required in connection with CITY's portion of the project, said acquisitions to <br />be accomplished at CITY's expense. <br /> <br /> 4. Close the following listed public grade crossings across tracks <br />and rights-of-way of the WPRR following completion of the aforesaid Bernal Avenue <br /> <br />and Del Valle Parkway extension underpasses and approaches: <br /> a. Bernal Avenue, CPUC Crossing No. 4-41.1. <br /> b. Division Street, CPUC Crossing No. 4-41.5. <br /> c. St. John Street, CPUC Crossing No. 4-41.6. <br /> <br /> 5. Eliminate the following listed public grade crossings across <br />tracks and rights-of-way of the SPTC upon the abandonment and removal of existing <br />railroad tracks, and restore street pavements, gutters, and sidewal ks following <br />the removal of said railroad tracks: <br /> <br /> <br />