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~JSIGNMENT Of StWCR DIBCHAHGE CAPACITY - <br /> <br />WHEREAS, TIlE FFQeqESON DEVELOPf~ENT CORPORATION 'purchased fro~ <br />the Dublin-San Ramon Services District and' the City of PleasenasA <br />certain sagage discharge capacity; and -. <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, such sewage discharge capacity was purchased under <br />and pursuant to a certain Agreesant, .dated Duveeber g, lgYI, ms <br />amended, between the City, the predecessor to said DiStrict and <br />certain other parties, and is available for usage within the <br />eStoneson Tract 2egSa; and <br /> <br /> WIJEREAS, TIlE STONESON DEVELOPJ4CNT CORPORATION ~as sold and <br /> conveyed certain property within the Stoneson Tract 2896 to FOOT- <br /> BILL ZWFEP~JtlSES, a California gorier. el partnership: and <br /> <br /> tO!SKEin, pursuant to such Sale and Conveyance TIlE STONESON <br />'DEVALOP)IENT CORPORATION agreed to sssign 387 dwelling unit equiva- <br /> lents (°D.U,E,') a portion of the aforesaid sewage discharge <br /> capacity to FOOTHILL ENTERPRISES, when required so to do. <br /> <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, for valuable c. onSiderotion, THE STONESON <br /> DEVELOPMENT CORP~P~TION hereby ensigns to FOOTHILL ENTEr4PR.vSF. S <br /> Three Hundred Eighty Seven (3ST) D,U,E**o of-the aforesaid.sewage <br /> discharge capacity to be utilized in connection eith the develop- <br /> went of the real property purchased by FOOTJlILL ENTERPRISES, <br /> IN ~ITNESS M~IEREOF, the undersigned hob executed this Assign- <br /> meat on the day of July, 1983. <br /> <br /> ~31E STONESON DEVELOPf~ENT CORPORATION <br /> Vice President <br /> <br /> Secretary <br /> <br /> EXHIBIT <br /> <br /> <br />