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the Dublin-San dean dewvices District and. the City of Pleasanton <br />certain sewage discharge copscArFs and <br /> <br /> lJNEJ~, such sewage dis~harge capacity. yes i~rchssed under <br />and pursuant to · certain Agreement, dated leaverid;st 8, 1972, as <br />shrouded, betseen the Clt~, the predecessor to said District end <br />certain other parties, and is available for usage 'vithLn the <br />eeLshesse Tract 2896" s end <br /> <br /> JfilER~AS, 1~- SI~)NF. SON DL~LOPMEleT CC)RPORATXOI~ has sold and <br />conveyed certain property within the Stoneson Tract 2896 to SAD <br />ZNV£STH~ MANY, · California general partnership; end <br /> <br /> to assign 240 dwelling unit <br />e~lvalents ('D.U.B.e) a portLea of the aforesaid sewage diech~rge <br />capacity to SiS XIf~S~ldENT C~edPAHY, when requLred as to do. <br /> <br /> NCM, l~lrREr~, for valuable ~neideration, THE ST~)NrSON <br />D~ELOPHENT CORPORATION hereby assLgns to SAn XNVESTHE~JT COHP^NY <br />Two Ha,dyed Forty (240) D.U.E. *s of the aforesaid sewage .Sischarge <br />capacity to be utilized In connection with the development of the <br />real property purchased by SAD INYESTHENT L~)edPAJ~Y. <br /> IN WII~;F. SS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this Assign- <br />meat on the . day of ~uly, 1983. <br /> <br /> 111E SI~)NZSON D~VELOP~LENT CORPOP~TION <br /> Vice President <br /> Secretary <br /> <br /> EXHIBIT B-1 <br /> <br /> <br />