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s~ CO~F~IC[ OF C "Y ATTOKNEY <br /> ~ O. liOa J~ d- PtLAS~HVON. <br /> <br /> AuSueC A. XgB1 <br /> <br />~Y S. <br /> <br /> CeSt]~od <br /> <br /> Flealenten, ~ t4566 <br /> <br /> Deer Ted~ <br /> <br /> Subject: C~cnc~cnC of 3 Year Limica~ion of Sever Fe~ics <br /> ?er A ril 22, 1980 court order (He. ~23 134) <br /> <br /> of develo era end lsnd~er~ of~lch Csltl~od Enterprises <br /> member. ~haC sSre~en~ provided C~C 8e~er pemits issued <br /> that court order wuld have J li~e of three years, v~Chin vhich ~ime <br /> buildin2 permlc~ ~uld have ~o be obcs'ined.. <br /> <br /> The Chree year lislcs~lcn period waste c~ence upon date ~ <br /> issuance of Che permit, or upon the re~val of all ~ ~uc~all <br /> cond~clons ~o cha~ permit, whichever secured <br /> <br /> Zas~ by Dlscha~Sers had indice~ed (in a le~er to a member <br /> developer Zroup) ~ha~ Che conditions liml~in~ ~he e~unt <br /> Sn ~he Z~DA line vere Te~vcd on April.6, 1981. TheGalore, <br /> li~e~ion per~od c~enced on A~ril 6, 1981. <br /> I[I my be of further assistance please contac~ me. <br /> <br /> Cordially. <br /> <br /> ~L:~e <br /> cc:. ~rrison H~cs Corporation Getrick <br /> e Rancho S~n~a Rite Investor~ .Vlnca~e Jl~lls Ltd. <br /> ~Conelon Development Cor~o~a~on .FleslantonrFoo~hill <br /> ,~fitrL~ht-CoodrLch ' ~eadoV Plaza Associates <br /> Amado= Vnllcy lnvceto=e .~lensonto, Cabj.nct Shop <br /> . John C. Hnc~y Cost~nzo-~l~on <br /> · Falcndar ~ropcrCie= & Corpor~tion .Edward ~chl/c=, H.D. <br /> · Pondsroan lIMes <br /> <br /> ~.S. I am di;tributinC a copy o~ this letter to 'cnch oE the <br /> developers and londoner= signatory to the 4/22/~0 settlcmcnC aZtecmerit. <br /> <br /> EXHIBIT <br /> <br /> <br />