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the three exit routes would be the safest. Mr. Thomas replied that the staff report <br />reflected the Building and Safety Division's preference that the closest, clearest, most <br />unobstructed exit would be through the gate. The alternative exit to the west would also <br />potentially require additional exit signs against the wall to direct the patrons towards the <br />exit. <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner O'Connor regarding whether the easements <br />must be granted as a condition of approval, Mr. Iserson replied that the easements would <br />be mandatory. <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Narum regarding the consequence if the <br />easements were required and the 30-day window passed without the easements being <br />done, Mr. Iserson replied that it would be a Code Enforcement issue. The City would <br />then follow its normal enforcement procedures. <br />Commissioner Fox inquired whether the building owners had ever received a letter of <br />deficiency with respect to the conditions of approval and whether they had received any <br />letters stating they were out of compliance with drainage. Mr. Iserson replied that a <br />specific letter had not been sent and that because this was such an old approval that went <br />back to 1967, the City had not previously been aware of any noncompliance with respect <br />to the normal storm runoff plan. With respect to the other complaints regarding oil and <br />grease spills, the City's source control inspectors had visited several times and followed <br />up on those issues. The City was currently working with the owners of the Hap's <br />property to achieve compliance on the required issues, such as installing a covered trash <br />enclosure. Since a complaint was filed about the drainage situation, the City has begun to <br />work with the Hap's owners to correct that situation. <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Fox regarding the location of the kitchen and <br />whether it would be the most likely source of a fire, Mr. Iserson replied that he did not <br />know the exact location of the kitchen and did not have the same statistics as the Fire <br />Department but that fires in restaurants typically occurred in the kitchen. <br />In response to an inquiry by Chair Blank regarding whether there was a hole in the wall <br />before the gate had been installed, Mr. Iserson replied that it had been solid wall and that <br />the wall had later been built around the dumpster. <br />Chair Blank inquired whether he would theoretically be able to build a wall across his <br />neighbor's driveway. Mr. Iserson replied that would be a different situation but agreed <br />that it would not be appropriate. <br />Chair Blank inquired whether the fire truck would be prevented from driving through the <br />parking lot because there were no emergency access easements. Mr. Iserson replied that <br />the fire truck would access the building from the best, most direct, and quickest direction. <br />He added that the easement was in place to ensure that the gate was appropriate for a safe <br />evacuation for the people inside the building and for them to be allowed to go onto the <br />neighboring property once they exit. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, February 13, 2008 Page 7 of 42 <br />