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support of emergency vehicle access at Prairie and suggested that a traffic light be installed at Muirwood <br />Drive. <br />Mark Locher, 3615 Ashwood Drive, commended the applicant for their cooperation with the <br />neighborhood residents to address areas of concern. Further, he expressed concern with increased <br />traffic, four-point access to neighborhood streets, and preserving privacy for existing homes. Further, he <br />supported installing a traffic light at Muirwood Drive. <br />Tony Ruggeri, 3620 Ashwood Drive, expressed concern with four-point access to neighborhood streets <br />and spoke in favor of emergency vehicle access on Prairie. <br />Judi Phillips, 7851 Foothill Knolls, expressed concern with four-point access to neighborhood streets, <br />increased traffic levels, density issues, and privacy issues due to height of homes being built. <br />Discussion ensued between Commissioners, staff and applicant relating to height of single- and <br />two-story homes, location of windows on second story homes, the possibility of lowering height on <br />homes, and obscuring second-story windows to ensure privacy. <br />Catherine Maes, 3671 Ashwood Drive, expressed concern with privacy issues and increased traffic <br />levels. Further, she expressed support with building of single-story homes and emergency vehicle <br />access on Prairie. <br />- Concerned Resident, 3803 Muirwood Drive, expressed concern with increased traffic levels and <br />four-point access to neighborhood streets. Further, she spoke in favor of emergency vehicle access. <br />Janice Locher, 3615 Ashwood Drive, expressed concem with four-point access to neighborhood streets. <br />Jim Amos, 7827 Foothill Knolls Drive, spoke in favor of utilizing amenity funds to benefit the children <br />of the neighborhood and providing low density level housing in development. <br />Dave Maduell, 3840 Northwood Court, expressed concern with privacy issues and removal of trees. <br />Further, he suggested that a restriction be adopted to prohibit removal of trees in the future. <br />PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED <br />Chairperson Cooper stated that the commissioners will provide their views of the project to provide staff <br />and applicant direction to finalize plan and final decision will be rendered at the August 12, 1998 <br />meeting <br />Commissioner Roberts acknowledges the neighbor's requests for no through streets in neighborhood and <br />stated her concurrence with no through streets being developed. Further, she stated that an EVA should <br />be planned for Prairie Drive, with the possibility of elimination or realignment of one lot. She noted that <br />the developers were attempting to eliminate traffic concerns in the area. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES July 22, 1998 Page 7 <br />