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(Recess taken from 9:35 p.m. to 9:45 p.m.) <br />PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED <br />Tim Neal, 3843 Northwood Court, spoke in favor of preserving rural views and requested that the <br />Commission vote in favor of additional setbacks and one-story homes. Further, he requested that future <br />homeowners be restricted from adding second-story levels onto residences. <br />June Thompson, 3623 Ashwood Drive, expressed concern with future homeowners being permitted to <br />add second-story levels onto residences. Further, she requested that parameter masonry wall end before <br />reaching her property. <br />Glenn Strahl, 3928 Fernwood Way, stated that concerns have been expressed in letters to the <br />Commission. However, Mr. Strahl stated he has an additional concern not referenced in letters and <br />requested that the pazameter masonry wall end before reaching his property. Further, he expressed <br />concern relating to privacy issues and restricted views due to the development being built. <br />Jim Amos, 7827 Foothill Knolls Drive, commended the DeSilva Group for their professionalism and <br />sensitivity in dealing with neighbors concerns. Mr. Amos expressed concem with the removal of trees, <br />overcrowding impact on schools, impacts on traffic, impact on wildlife, vaziances in lot sizes, density of <br />development, and four-point access to neighborhood streets. Further, he spoke in support of single-story <br />homes being built on pazameter of project. <br />David Maes, 3671 Ashwood Drive, expressed concern with privacy issues due to the building of <br />two-story homes, removal of existing trees, increased traffic volume on Foothill Boulevard, and <br />four-point access to neighborhood streets. <br />Discussion ensued relating to the development of bicycle and pedestrian access into neighborhood, <br />solutions to privacy issues in two-story homes, and removal of trees in walnut tree orchard on <br />parameter of development. The owner of the walnut tree orchadd informed the Commission that the <br />walnut trees have developed a fungus, that the orchadd is dying, and harvesting of trees has stopped. <br />John Villalobos, 3790 Eastwood Way, expressed opposition to four-point access to neighborhood <br />streets. Further, he expressed concern with the noise levels in the walkway to the pazk that will abut <br />Freeway 680 and requested that landscaping be developed to create a buffer for noise. He inquired <br />whether the amount of Funds spent for amenities aze appropriate and commended staff and the DeSilva <br />Group for their work on this project. <br />Robin Neal, 3843 Northwood Court, expressed concern relating to views being affected and spoke in <br />favor of one-story homes being built. Further, she expressed support for emergency vehicle access and <br />small manufacturing operation on the Merritt property. <br />Allan Freidrich, 4035 Alderwood Court, raised concerns relating to whether the amenity amount are <br />- appropriate for the size of the project, density of the project, impacts on schools. Further, he spoke in <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES July 22, 1998 Page 6 <br />