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Further, he stated there is a minor change on Condition No. 7 to delete the reference to the location of <br />the EVA. This would allow the EVA's location to be determined by the planning director, public works <br />director, and fire mazshal based on emergency needs and grading. <br />Mr. Iserson noted that staff has determined that the tentative map is in conformance with the PUD. He <br />continued by stating that the applicant has developed a proposed phasing plan to proceed with the <br />project in two phases with the first phase being Lots 1 - 111 and the recreation azea, and the second <br />phase being Lots 112-143 and the dedication to the City. In addition, if the Stoneridge Drive alignrnent <br />is implemented, the plan would have to be revised on Lots 112-143, <br />In regazds to growth management, Mr. Iserson stated this project has been approved as an entire PUD <br />390-unit development for Village I, II, and III, and growth management was allocated for the entire <br />project through 1999. Mr. Iserson noted that due to the City Council approving the Village III PUD, <br />growth management has been extended to the year 2001. Further, he stated there aze 170 units left for <br />completion, with 131 units being allocated for 1998, and 39 units allocated for the yeaz 1999. <br />In conclusion, Mr. Iserson stated that staff has ascertained that the map is in compliance with the PUD <br />and that the tentative map findings can be made. Further, that staff is recommending that the Planning <br />Commission approve the tentative map subject to the conditions in the staff report with an amendment in <br />Condition No. 7. <br />Discussion ensued among the commissioners and staff relating to landscape and houses backing onto <br />Stoneridge Drive due to the alignment, there having been no objections from residents relating to <br />Monday through Saturday construction, and the type of drainage along Arroyo Mocho. <br />PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED <br />Douglas Krah, 3825 Hopyazd Road, Standard Pacific of Northern California, stated Standazd Pacific <br />concurs with the staff report and conditions. Further, he responded that an attempt was made to extend <br />work hours, but it was rejected; therefore, posted work hours aze being adhered to. <br />PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED <br />Commissioner Kumazan stated he has visited the site and questioned whether this development is in the <br />best interest of the City. Further, he expressed concern with the density of the project and the access and <br />circulation elements. Therefore, he stated he will not support the motion as recommended in the staff <br />report. <br />Chairperson Cooper stated his disapproval of the project, and questioned staff s professional <br />recommendation due to the project not being consistent with the General Plan in terms of mid-range <br />density. Further, he stated this plan brings no amenities to the City, and he will not support vesting for <br />the Tentative Map. In addition, he requested that this project be given the lowest priority for <br />consideration for growth management. Chairperson Cooper concluded by requesting that the City <br />Council delay implementation of the project, unless the developer is willing to renegotiate. He reiterated <br />his disapproval of the project. <br />Planning Commission Minutes Page 13 July 8, 1998 <br />