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PC 04/22/1998
City of Pleasanton
PC 04/22/1998
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The proposed golf course site was displayed and described. Mr. Rasmussen stated that it would be <br />developed on 165 acres that would be acquired by the City. The azeas surrounding the golf course were <br />also identified and described, and Mr. Rasmussen stated that this area was covered by the Happy Valley <br />Land Use Plan. He also stated that the intention for the Greater Happy Valley area is to preserve the <br />semi-rural character and that the design guidelines also call for preservation of rural buildings. <br />A slide was also presented of the proposed golf course routing plan that was approved by the Golf <br />Course Committee and the City Council. The surrounding areas and proposed residential developments <br />and streets were again identified. In addition, Mr. Rasmussen explained the flood prevention plan by <br />use of water detention basins. <br />Mr. Rasmussen reported that the City recently received a reconfirmation letter from the owners of the <br />Christesen property proposing to dedicate 10 acres of land to the City for expansion of the golf course in <br />exchange for a density bonus of one additional home site on their property (Lot 110). <br />Mr. Rasmussen Further explained that the specific plan calls for preservation of the hills around the <br />Happy Valley area. All homes would be located at the base of the hill only, and this condition also <br />applies to all of the open space azeas. <br />The proposed circulation plan was described, and Mr. Rasmussen pointed out that the key circulation <br />feature is the bypass road that starts at the North Sycamore Specific Plan azea. The Happy Valley Trails <br />Plan was also described. <br />Mr. Rasmussen advised the Commission that some of the main issues with this application deal with <br />having density. Some neighbors are in support of one-acre density and some of two-acre density. <br />Therefore, the City Council asked staff to analyze those two densities and one in between in the EIR. <br />Mr. Rasmussen pointed out that the EIR and the specific plan identify the two acre density as an <br />alternative only because a number had to be used in order complete the EIR. Staff recommends that the <br />Planning Commission review this issue carefully. <br />In addition, Mr. Rasmussen stated that infrastructure cost sharing continues to be a concern. He stated <br />that the plan is for the City to construct the line for the golf course and the golf course housing. <br />However, under the specific plan, the existing homeowners and new developers would have to pay their <br />pro rata shaze. Mr. Rasmussen stated that a report relating to this issue was just completed and mailed to <br />property owners today. He distributed copies to the Commissioners. <br />With regard to the draft EIR report, Mr. Rasmussen noted that responses were sent to all persons who <br />submitted comments. He noted that copies were available for members of the audience. He also advised <br />that the responses to public comments and the draft EIR have been combined as the final EIR. <br />He suggested that the Planning Commission take public comment this evening and make possible <br />requests of staff, but to reserve any action since there is still at least one more public hearing on the <br />matter. <br />RECESS TAKEN AT 9:10 P.M. <br />RECONVENED AT 9:15 P.M. <br />Planning Commission Page 11 April 22, 1998 <br />
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