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,., <br />the fee authorized by then existing Government Code section 66784.3 <br />to defray thn cost of preparing, maintaining and administering the <br />Alameda County Solid Waste Management Plan. The Agencies am ' <br />desirous of continuing the authorization to levy a fee for the <br />purpose of defraying the cost of preparing, mafntaihing•~d <br />administering thn Alameda County Solid Waste Management plan until <br />such time as an Alameda County integrated Waste, Management Plan•is <br />approved by the California integrated Waste Management Hoard, <br />Therefore, by their signatures hereon, the Agencies delegate to the <br />Autharity the power'ta levy such a fee upon solid waste operators • <br />in the county for the purpose of defraying the cost of preparing, <br />maintaining and administering the Alameda County Solid Waste• <br />Management Plan until such time as it is superseded by ari approved <br />Alameda County integrated Waste Management plan. Alameda Coup ~ • <br />understands and agrees that the Authori ~ <br />ty and not the County may <br />1@vX the fee authorized by this provision. - - <br />d. Funding of IntOgrated Waste Management 81an •• <br />Except as provided hereina#ter the Agencies understand _ <br />and agree that the Authority and not the Agencies may levy fees as . <br />authorized by Publia Resources Cods sections 41901 and 41902 as <br />hose sections exist or as they may bn amended from time to time <br />fox the purposes of }preparing and adopting the Alameda County <br />Integrated Waste Management Plan, and planning or implementing <br />po7.icfes, programs o; facilities identified in such plan which <br />affect or benefit more than one Agency, or which implement <br />countywide policies, programs or facilities, or which would fund <br />- Y <br />18 <br /> <br />