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••- 'grant programs for demonstration projects. Eaoh Agency, or group <br />of agencies through agreement as hereinafter provided; reserves to <br />itself or themselves the power to levy fees as authorized by public <br />Resources Code sections 41901 and 41902 a3 those SeCtioris exist or <br />as they may' be amended from time to time for the purpose of <br />preparing and adopting its or their 5RR$(s), and for implementing <br />local policies, local programs or facilities.looated within the <br />particular Agency's or Agencies jurisdiction(s) and identified in <br />the SRRE(s), if the fee is levied on a waste stream originating <br />within the egencytis or Agencies jurisdiction(s).and is levied on <br />facilities or activities within the Agency~s or •Agencies~ <br />jurisdiction(s). To the•eXtent the jurisdiction of a city and a <br />sanitary district 'are Concurrent, the power to' levy fans for <br />implementation as provided herein may be $scercised .only by the <br />affected city. This provision is hot intended to and does not is1 <br />any way affect the power or discretion of the Agencies regarding <br />franchise agreements or rata setting fox solid waste hauling, <br />disposal, recycling; source reduction or othez aspects of solid <br />waste processing, .including the power of the Agencies to levy fens <br />or other charges through franchise agreements or rata setting <br />involving solid waste. • <br />e. Agreements Between Agencies <br />This Agreement shall not preclude Agencies <br />from entering into agreements for joint development and operation <br />of programs and facilities. Through such agreements, participating <br />Agencies may assign the responsibility for setting fees and charges <br />19 <br />ld 'd 6tiCL'ON Sb113~311X3N Wd00~S 300b'bb'das <br />