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. the occurrence of the requisite events as specified in this <br />section. <br />13. S FCI PRDVIS~ONS . <br />a. Hazardous Waste Facility IIser Fees <br />The Authority shall not impose or enforce a tax for <br />general purposes or impose a user Pea pursuant to Health and .Safety <br />Code sectiaa 25173.5 as that section exists or mag be amended £rota. <br />time to time, except that such tax or usex fee may be imposed and <br />enforced by•the Authority either to the extent necessary for <br />programs underta]cen by the Authority which complement the hazardous <br />waste plans and programs pE the Agencies and with the specific <br />approval of the jurisdictional agency in t~hich the fee is levied, <br />or to the extent that said section or its successor authorizes such <br />a tax or user fee to be levied by the Authority. <br />b. Hazardous Waste Management/Administrative Fees <br />The Agencies uadarstand and agree that the Authority may, <br />by agreement with one or more Agencies, share in hazardous waste -, <br />administration fees such as advance disposal fees or plant check <br />foes iP the Authority is incurring costs related to programs Por <br />which such fees are levied. 'The Authority may also levy fees for <br />such purposes to the extent that it is also incurring costs for <br />administration of hazardous waste programs, but the discretion to <br />levy such fees does: not preclude the Agencies from also levying <br />such fees as authorized by law. <br />c. Funding of county Solid Waste Management Plan , <br />The previous JPA provided that the Authority could levy <br />. 17 <br />6l 'd 6bLL'CN Stil13Aa1 IXaN ~;u~aoo:c ann~ >> na <br />