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payment of all obiigatians, shall be allocated by the Board between <br />the successor public entity and matgber agencies. ~ <br />In the event the Authority is. terminated undar~circumstanpes <br />falling within (b) ~or (c) above, all decisions of the Board With <br />regard to determinations of amouats to be transferred to member <br />agencies or any successor shall be final. <br />11. PROC~DVRE F012 HF OMTNG r~~{HER o HOARb ~ ' <br />All of the agencies signatory to this Agreement shall be <br />members of the Board: Any city in'Alameda County, includiAg cities <br />incorporated after the effective date of this Agreement, may become <br />members of the Board by presenting an adopted resolution`to the <br />Authority which includes a request .to become a member of the Board. <br />Any other public entity in Alameda County which shares and <br />exercises powers in common with the•Agencies may become a member of <br />the Board by presenting 'an adopted resolution to the Authority <br />which includes a request to become a member of the Board aid upon ' <br />a twowthirds affirmative vot• of the Authority accepting'~t1e public <br />entity to membership. <br />12. h*ITHDRAWAL AND T~.RM?NATTO~I OF MEMBERSHIP <br />.Any Agency may withdraw from this Agreement, subject to <br />written notice submitted to the Authority at least one full fiscal <br />year. in advance of the effective date of withdrawal. The <br />membership~of any agency which ceases to have powers in common with <br />the parties to this Agreement or, iri the case .of a special <br />district, 'ceases to azercise franchise authority for solid or <br />hazardous waste management shall terminate thirty (30} days after <br />16 <br />8l '0 6bLL'ON SG113A31 1X3N Wd00~G 9ili1Z'77'aac <br />