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designated by the Authority pursuant to Public Resources Code <br />section 43203 (b), as that section exists or as it may ba amended <br />• from time to time, subject to the approval of the California <br />Integrated waste Management Board pursuant to Public Resources code <br />section 43zo1 as that section exists or ae it may be amended fror4 <br />time to time. <br />3. CREATION OF ALAME A COUNTY WASTS MANAGEMENT AYTTAORSTv <br />Thera is hereby created the Alameda• County Waste <br />Management Authority to exercise in the manner set forth in this, <br />Agreement the powers common to each of the Agencies. 7.'he Authority <br />shall be a.public entity separate from the Agencies. No debt, <br />liability. or obligation of the Authority shall constitute a debt, <br />liability or obligation of any Agency and each party's obligation <br />hereunder is expressly Si~mited only to .the appropriation and <br />contribution of such funds as may be levied pursuant to this <br />Agreement or as the parties hereto may agree. <br />4. ,SVGC~SSOR AGENCY <br />The Authority is far all purposes the successor to the <br />Alameda County Solid Waste Management Authority created by Joint <br />Powers Agreement effective September 2, 1976. The Authority has <br />succeeded to all of the assets, liabilities, oontracts and other <br />obligations of the Alameda County Solid Waste Management Authority. <br />Tha• Authority has also assumed all powers, duties, and <br />responsibilities specified in this Agreement regarding the Alameda <br />County Solid Waste Management Plan. <br /> <br />7 <br />6 'd 66LL'ON ;tlianai ixav ~~nG:~ ~r;nt ~n•aac <br />