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authorizes a city or county to enter into a memorandum of <br />understanding with another city or county or agency foimed'under a <br />joint exercise of powers agreement for the purpose of preparing and <br />implementing .source reduction and recycling elements, ox a <br />countywide integrated waste management plan. Tt is the intent of <br />the contracting Agencies to utilize these statutory authorisations <br />in this Agreement. • <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the Agencies agxee as follows: <br />1. OF~T~IVE . <br />The purposes of this Agreement are to provide'a means of <br />preparing, adopting, revising, amending, administering, <br />implementing, and enforcing the Alameda County Solid Waste <br />Management Plan (on an interim basis as'specified in 'paragraphs A2 <br />and A3), the Alameda County integrated Waste Management Plan and <br />the Alameda County, Hazardous Waste Management Plan.. <br />2. DEFINITIONS ' <br />' Certain words as used in this Agreement shall be defined <br />as Follows: <br />a. "Hoard".shall mean the board constituted herein pursuant <br />to this Agreement to administer and execute this Agreement. <br />b. "Agency" shall mean the city, county, or special district <br />which is a signatory to this Agreement. <br />c. "Alameda County Waste Management Authority"., or <br />"Authority" shall mean the. public and ,separate agency created bg <br />this Agreement. <br />d. "Enforcement Agency" shall mean the agency establishecY or <br />Y <br />6 <br />3 ~ 6`~LL ~1N 7~~~~~~~ X~N Wn~y:~ G(I 111 ~~~ ~,lil <br />