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5. - PCW 'fig . <br />The Authority shall have the power to prepare, adopt <br />revise, amend, administer, implement and enforce the provisions of <br />'the Alameda County Solid Waste Management plan as specified in <br />paragraphs A2 and A9.hsiein, tha Alameda County Integrated' Waste <br />Management Plan and the Alameda County Hazar$ous Waste Management <br />Plan- The Authority is•hereby authorized in its own name to <br />perform all aets .neoessary for the exercise of sai$ powers <br />including but ,not limited to the following; <br />a, to make and enter into contracts; including_ eitiher <br />to receive or provide services; <br />b. to apply for and accept grants, 'advances and <br />contributions; . <br />c.' to provide funding to the Agencies and other <br />entities for the conduct of programs under the general purview of • <br />the Authority; • <br />d. to employ or contract for the services of agents, <br />aonsultants•and such other persons or firms as necessary; <br />e. to employ permanent, part time and temporary 'staff <br />as. necessary to carry out Authority. programs, and to adopt and <br />implement appropriate personnel policies and procedures as <br />required; <br />• ~P. to make'pians and conduct studies;. to review the <br />Alameda County Solid Wastes Management Plan as specified in <br />paragraphs A2 and A3 herein and the Alameda County Integrated Waste <br />Management Plan and recommend or adopt revisions or amendments <br />• <br />8 <br />i <br />~l 'd 6blL'ON ~,bllaA7l iYaN ~nia~c:fi onn~ •>> ~~,,~ <br />