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• Activities After Workshop #3 <br />- Hacienda and staff: Finalize PUD Development Plan, Design Guidelines, <br />Development Agreement <br />- Developers: Finalize individual PUD applications <br />- Staff review and report preparation <br />• PC. CC Hearings - February to April `09 <br />CEQA: The General Plan EIR considers various land use scenarios that were discussed <br />with the City Council and would include an analysis for adding residential uses and <br />other new commercial development to the park. A Specific Plan or PUD Development <br />Plan for Hacienda that implements one of these scenarios could rely on the General <br />Plan EIR, with a Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for developments on <br />individual sites. <br />Hacienda Planning Elements: An alternative PUD Development Plan process would be <br />substantively the same as a Specific Plan in that it would address similar issues through <br />a different planning vehicle. The major difference would be that a procedural step would <br />be eliminated. Staff and Hacienda representatives suggest that the following elements <br />be considered in either a Specific Plan or an alternative PUD Development Plan: <br />1. Establish a New Hacienda Master Development Plan and Design Guidelines: <br />• Create an updated vision for Hacienda considering General Plan Update land <br />use policy <br />• Create and define park-wide design objectives <br />• Modify and consolidate traffic and site floor area (FAR) rules <br />• Create a new Development Plan for Hacienda <br />• Update the Design Guidelines and PUD development standards for <br />residential and mixed use development <br />- Overall park-wide Design Guidelines and standards <br />- Individual site development standards and guidelines <br />2. Suggested Park-Wide Core Planning Objectives: <br />• Consider higher density residential and mixed use development in <br />conformance with existing growth control measures in certain areas of the <br />park that would take advantage of the proximity to the BART station and to <br />Pleasanton's major employment center <br />• Create and strengthen pedestrian linkages between and within sites and to <br />the BART station, including improvements and access to the Iron Horse Trail <br />• Determine and provide a critical mass of residential units and density <br />necessary to support mixed use and transit-oriented development <br />• Identify and mitigate traffic impacts in the park and standardize the method of <br />mitigating traffic from new development <br />Page 6 of 13 <br />