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Planning Commission <br />Res. 1930 <br />Page 5 <br />26. That the Homeowners Association shall enter into an <br />agreement to hold harmless, defend and indemnify <br />the City, its officers and employees from any cause <br />of action or claim for damage or injury caused by <br />the private roadways, or private utility systems, <br />or their maintenance and upkeep, or caused by the <br />party contracted with for maintenance services and <br />that the CC&Rs shall make each homeowner chargeable <br />for costs related to responsibilities provided for <br />in this condition. <br />27. That right-of-way dedication and street improvements <br />will be required at the time of consideration of the <br />tentative subdivision map. <br />28. That a soils engineer acceptable to the City shall be <br />provided the opportunity to review the grading and <br />improvement plans £or the development. When these plans <br />are found to be in accordance with his recommendations he <br />shall submit a written statement to the City to that effect. <br />'- 29. That the soils engineer acceptable to the City <br />mentioned in condition #28 shall be present during <br />grading, landslide repair and sub-drain placement; <br />following rough grading work, he shall provide a <br />grading report including a complete record of all <br />field and laboratory tests with location and elevation <br />of all tests. <br />30. The soils engineer acceptable to the City shall <br />inspect the final grading and drainage control for each <br />dwelling and provide a statement indicating that final <br />conditions are in accordance with his recommendations <br />prior to release for occupancy of said dwelling. <br />31. That if approved, the residences on lots 6 and 7 shall <br />be required to incorporate within their design a home <br />sprinkler system and a products of combustion detection <br />system as approved by the appropriate Fire Department <br />staff member. Said system shall be connected to the <br />Fire Department dispatch console and shall be maintained <br />in working condition at all times and inspected annually. <br />32. That the buildings in the development shall be a maximum <br />of two stories in height. <br />