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Pentin also indicated that the Task Force had reviewed many scenarios, and was concerned with <br />manipulation of the footprint and being able to move residents in phases. He expressed his desire for <br />retaining the park, since it is one of the City's most used parks and serves the neighborhood well. <br />Chairperson Ellgas asked about Vineyard Avenue access to the proposed footprint, and whether it <br />included parking spaces. She also discussed the emotional impact of moving seniors from one place to <br />another, which she felt was more of a concern than financial impacts. Mr. Bocian agreed, and indicated <br />this had been a concern of the Task Force. <br />Chairperson Ellgas opened the meeting for public comment. <br />Bruce Fiedler, (Pleasanton Gardens Administrator) 251 Kottinger Drive -commented on the need for <br />redeveloping/renovating Kottinger Place and Pleasanton Gardens in order to keep them safe and an asset <br />to the neighborhood. He believed that the proposed concept meets many of goals of the Task Force, <br />including minimizing relocation and potential trauma to the seniors. He agreed that replacement of <br />Regalia House with a larger, more accessible, and comfortable combined use building could occur, and <br />talked about the use of Pleasanton Garden's facilities by community groups. Mr. Fielder also discussed <br />the possibility of using Pleasanton Garden's facilities during the interim redevelopment. <br />Patty and Robb Carey, 4326 Second Street - as long-time residents on Second Street, which backs up to <br />Pleasanton Gardens, Ms. Carey asked the Commission to be mindful of building and shared driveway <br />locations in the footprint. She was especially concerned regarding the northwest corner of the footprint <br />having two or three-story buildings, and the impacts to neighbors. <br />Kevin Close, 877 Sycamore Road -felt it was important for the City to try to retain some of its older <br />buildings, and would like to see funds made available for retaining the Regalia House. <br />Becky Dennis, (Kottinger Place Task Force Member/Pleasanton Gardens Director) 838 Gray Fox Circle - <br />seconded comments made by Mr. Fiedler. She encouraged neighbors of Kottinger Place and Pleasanton <br />Gardens to attend Task Force meetings and provide input regarding the project's design. Ms. Dennis felt <br />that this was a very key project for the City because of the desire to provide affordable housing for <br />seniors. She felt the proposed footprint would provide that, and allow the Pleasanton Gardens site to be <br />available for another use. She advised that the Board of Pleasanton Gardens is very interested in working <br />with the neighborhood on any of its concerns regarding the park, parking, footprint, etc. <br />Bonnie Krichbaum, 303 Neal Street -has lived in Pleasanton for 33 years, and always been proud of the <br />two (2) senior housing projects and is reluctant to see them change. Ms. Krichbaum noted that while the <br />Downtown Specific Plan does not contain these facilities, they are directly adjacent to the Plan properties. <br />She read excerpts from the Specific Plan, which referenced details about Downtown public parks totaling <br />2.6 acres. She indicated her appreciation that there was sensitivity to maintaining Kottinger Village <br />Community Park, and would like to see the park retained, or even expanded. Ms. Krichbaum said she was <br />sensitive to the needs of seniors, but also to the need for this park. <br />Paul Henshaw, 2380 Willet Way -advised that he was pastor of one of the four (4) churches that 40 years <br />ago had a vision, and saw the need for extremely low income housing for Pleasanton seniors that became <br />Pleasanton Gardens. Mr. Henshaw advised that the Board of Directors has struggled with what the future <br />Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes <br />October 11, 2007 <br />Page 4 <br />