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Commissioner Fox moved to deny PCUP-200, based on the inability to make any of the <br />conditional use permit findings. <br />Commissioner Pearce seconded the motion. <br />Commissioner Pearce noted that she had no doubt that Mr. Pfund was a good teacher and that the <br />program taught positive skills. She could not make Finding No. 2 with respect to the current <br />business plan and could not find that it was not detrimental to the public health, safety, and <br />welfare because having the children free to come and go as they please was incompatible with <br />the City's sign-in/sign-out policy. She noted that the applicant could continue to state that he did <br />not provide care and supervision, but under the reading of the licensing requirements, since he <br />provided structured activities, rules, instruction, he provides care and supervision, and a waiver <br />did not repudiate that. She stated that she would like to see this business succeed and hoped that <br />modifications could be made to the business plan. She noted that she could not support it with <br />the way it was currently structured. <br />Commissioner Olson noted that he had no doubt that this was a great program but had problems <br />reconciling the statement that there was no care and supervision and the fact that the applicant <br />picks the children up at school. He believed that at the kindergarten level, there should be <br />supervision and care while they are in the applicant's presence. Commissioner Olson referred to <br />his previous question regarding the definition of "school age" and although Grades K through 12 <br />at the upper ages may not require care and supervision, Grades K through something does. He <br />suggested that the way to solve the problem would be to get a license. Commissioner Olson <br />indicated he would support the motion. <br />Commissioner Narum noted that she could not make Finding No. 2 and could make Finding <br />No. 1 with respect to the parking. She was uncomfortable with the motion on the floor and <br />understood that the denial was based on the inability to make any of the findings. <br />Commissioner Fox noted that she supported the motion with respect to parking because of the <br />classification of the facility in Dublin according to the materials in the staff report. She noted <br />that it had been classified as a community facility use in Dublin as well as an indoor recreational <br />facility use. She noted that as an indoor recreational center, the parking ordinance states that one <br />parking space would be required for every 50 square feet inside the building, which would <br />require 67 parking spaces; that was further reduced to 45 parking spaces. She would prefer to <br />support staff's findings and then discover the true classification. She noted that it may be <br />classified as a child-care center during the day and an recreational facility at night and during the <br />summer or some combination. <br />Chair Blank noted that he was very familiar with the neighborhood because his son attended <br />Quarry Lane School. He did not believe there was a parking issue at all. He believed that with <br />respect to the "free to come and go" issue, the children could not be physically restrained. As a <br />parent, he typically felt comfortable leaving his child at an instructional facility once he had <br />checked the site. He believed that too much had been made of that issue and noted that even on <br />closed-campus high schools, the students were free to come and go, regardless of consequences. <br />He believed the Planning Commission could vote to deny or could vote to approve with <br />EXCERPTS: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, February 13, 2008 Page 16 of 19 <br />