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conditions that would make the conditional use permit satisfactory to the Commission, such as <br />licensing or other procedures. He noted that the Commission had heard a considerable amount <br />of compassionate and heartfelt testimony and had no doubt that Mr. Pfund ran an excellent <br />program. He indicated he agreed with Commissioner Olson regarding requiring licensing. He <br />suggested that whether the applicant believed his facility was a daycare or not, it may be best to <br />obtain a daycare license or to comply with the requirements of a daycare facility. He believed <br />that would remove any question with respect to staff's expectations. He noted that if the <br />Commission denied this application, the applicant would have to start at square one. <br />Mr. Roush noted that may be construed as imposing a business plan on the applicant that he may <br />not want to pursue. <br />Chair Blank understood the concern and added that it would be the applicant's choice whether or <br />not to comply with the conditions to obtain the conditional use permit. <br />Mr. Roush suggested that the Planning Commission may wish to deny the application without <br />prejudice and that a different application or business plan by the applicant may be considered to <br />be different enough so that we would not have to wait for one year before resubmitting the <br />application. <br />Chair Blank liked the concept of denying the application without prejudice. <br />Commissioner Fox inquired whether she could restate her motion with an amendment. <br />Commissioner Olson did not believe that parking was an issue. <br />Commissioner Fox asked for guidance regarding amending the motion. <br />Commissioner Pearce asked for clarification from Mr. Roush regarding whether this would <br />preclude the applicant from appealing the decision to the City Council. <br />Commissioner Fox moved to deny PCUP -200 without prejudice, based on the inability to <br />make conditional use permit Findings No. 2 and 3. <br />Commissioner Pearce seconded the motion. <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Narum regarding Commission Fox's basis for denial <br />based on Finding No. 3, Commissioner Fox replied that the staff report discussed the issue of the <br />applicant not ceasing operations as directed by staff within the prescribed timefraine. She noted <br />that the letters referred to by Chair Blank regarding the tenant space in Dublin declared unsafe <br />and occupancy revoked in the January 27t~' letter also entered into her assessment. She also <br />understood that in the 2000-2003 timeframe, when the applicant moved to the new location, the <br />City of Dublin requested the submittal of the application over the course of several months with <br />three letters. She believed there were inconsistencies between the three business plans and added <br />that the website that was submitted as an exhibit discussed supervision and care as well as <br />supervised homework and disagrees with the waiver. <br />EXCERPTS: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, February 13, 2008 Page 17 of 19 <br />