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Alameda County Transportation Improvement Authority <br />Special Transportation for Seniors and People with Disabilities <br />Some service changes that occurred in FY 2007-08, and benefited riders, included: <br />• Expanded marketing efforts by continuing the Transit Fair to encourage <br />clients to learn more about public transit options. <br />• Implemented Pilot Downtown Route, which provides a new affordable, same <br />day transit option. <br />• Increased coordination with LAVTA to provide more travel training <br />opportunities. <br />• Implemented Driver Training Program, with three (3) new part time drivers <br />participating in the class. <br />• Provided on-going defensive driving education as part of the driver meetings. <br />For FY 2008-09, the following needs have been identified: <br />• Complete the six (6) month evaluation of pilot DTR, and make any necessary <br />route adjustments to improve efficiency. <br />• Complete the one (1) year evaluation of the DTR, with possible expansion of <br />the service. <br />• Continue to work with LAVTA to evaluate the para-taxi pilot program and <br />review the possibility of expansion to additional PPS clients. <br />• Review out-of--town service requests and assess the need for expanding the <br />service area. <br />• Work to provide outreach and education to agencies on the role of PPS, and <br />assist those agencies in developing a wide resource of transit options. <br />• Develop a Ride Assessment Service to assist clients/family members in <br />understanding and choosing the appropriate transit options. <br />Unmet needs <br />Region-wide paratransit services continue to be a growing need, as hospitals and medical <br />providers consolidate and require clients to travel longer distances. <br />As PPS clients continue to age in place, and with 55% of clients over 80 years of age, there is <br />an increasing need for volunteer escort services. Not all clients have family or friends to <br />assist them to appointments, and a volunteer based escort service would be very useful. <br />Projected new riders <br />During the first half of FY 2007-08, 147 new riders used PPS. It is estimated that 250 new <br />riders will register for the service in FY 2008-09. <br />Page 14 of 23 <br />C:\Documents and Settings\pdeatonU.ocal Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK3\Annual Program Application Cover FY0708 March 31 <br />2008.doc <br />