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Project, and rejects the No Project Alternative, for the <br />following reasons: <br />a. Mitigation measures incorporated into <br />the Project, or conditions of approval which will be imposed on <br />the specific approvals for development of the Project site, <br />have substantially mitigated, or will substantially mitigate, <br />substantially all of the environmental effects of the Project, <br />ezcepting only visual and archeological impacts, thereby <br />diminishing or obviating the perceived mitigating benefits of <br />adopting the No Project Alternative; <br />b. Specifically, the Project incorporates <br />the dedication of a historic park, a neighborhood park, a <br />wildlife easement and corridor, and numerous other measures <br />referred to previously in these findings, and implementation of <br />this alternative is not necessary in order to mitigate to an <br />insignificant level the various effects of this Project; <br />c. The No Project Alternative would <br />eliminate a potential source of funding for school facility <br />improvements, roadway improvements, and improvements for flood <br />control at the Bernal Avenue Bridge, in addition to other <br />public improvements; <br />d. Adoption of the No Project Alternative <br />would delay or prohibit the development of three hundred <br />twenty-nine housing units and thus adversely impact the local <br />housing supply; and <br />48 <br />