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that the mitigation measures posed by the DEIR and the Final <br />EIR but not incorporated into this Project are infeasible and <br />undesirable with respect to the Project. The City Council also <br />finds that the project alternatives set forth in the DEIR and <br />in the Final EIR are infeasible and less desirable than the <br />Project itself. Such measures and alternatives would impose <br />limitations and restrictions on the development of the Project, <br />which this City Council finds would prohibit obtaining the <br />specific social, economic and other benefits of the Project <br />which the City Council finds outweigh the unmitigated impacts, <br />and which justify approval of the Project. <br />Specifically, the City Council finds that the <br />following social, economic and other considerations warrant <br />approval of the Project notwithstanding any unavoidable or <br />unmitigated impacts resulting from the Project. <br />B. Recreation. <br />The Project includes the dedication of the historic <br />Alviso Adobe as part of a four-acre Alviso Adobe Park, in <br />addition to the dedication of a five-acre neighborhood park, <br />and associated greenways, paths, and other features. The City <br />Council finds that the dedication of the neighborhood park will <br />benefit the entire area surrounding the Project site, and <br />further finds that the dedication and improvement of the Alviso <br />Adobe Park will benefit citizens throughout the City and the <br />region. The City Council therefore finds that the unmitigated <br />impacts of the Project are justified by the need to provide <br />43 <br />